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Oh my...I about fell over last night.

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So DD is pretty much a tomboy. She's into computers and drawing. She wants to be an animator. She's not been real girly. Never liked me doing her hair (even as a toddler). Heck it's work even getting her to brush it! Until recently.... She has a sweet friend that she wanted to get to know better. DD is like my husband, a bit reserved, can be quiet, has a tendency to stay on the edge or outside of the group, but she's friendly and once she gets to know you she's chatty and fun.


So this girl stays the night a few times recently. Wants to cut DD hair (which is long and straight and we didn't have a problem with it, but laid out a few stipulations). Dear friend (aka DF) wants to be a beautician when she's older and did a really nice job on DD. On another visit I took DD and DF to the store to pic out some nice pieces of makeup. Neutral colors to match her skin tone. DF also picked out DD a new dress. They came home and went to work, :D. DD looked lovely. A natural enancement to her face. She did not look over done at all. She thought it was fun, but was still a little 'eh' about it all.


The next day was Sunday-got the girls up for church and DF helped DD get ready. She looked really nice. Many people commented to her on her nicely done makeup that it enhanced her eyes. She was was telling me about it on the ride home. I could see she was happy about people noticing their efforts that morning. It made her feel good which was nice to see. She's made herself up a little a number of times since.


Yesterday a friends DS comes over to borrow some eggs. He and his brother are like my sons-I watched them in the summers when they were young. The other one is over here all the time hanging with my son. They are best friends. So older DS walks in to get the eggs and was in a nice new outfit to which I commented about how nice it all looked on him as he was leaving. I could hear DD in the backround going, mmm hmmm, with that teenager looking at a cute boy tone :001_huh: :lol: ...um what just happened to my girl, lol.


So she asks me if I'd take her to get her eyebrows waxed this week...do what?! :bigear: Did I just hear her right? Yes indeed...the poor girl, she is a little hairy. She comes by it honestly though.


So we are off to the salon for a little day of beauty :D

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:lol: This made me laugh. Nothing like some new clothes on the neighbor boy to change your outlook!


Yep. I always felt they were all more like brothers/sisters together, but it seems that has changed for the older one (he's two years older). It was cute last year when we were on a canoe trip and they were going to jump off this rock into a fairly deep water 'hole' (adults checked the underwater area out before any jumping commenced). She wanted to but was too scared. He carried her up to about halfway (as far as she wanted to go) and jumped with her in his arms (he's always stayed fit, likes working out) and it was totally like a brother helping his little sis out. His mom and dad were there and so was our other good friends and we thought it was so sweet....we did the trip again this year and his mom and I were remembering the last year at the rock and about how there wouldn't be any carrying up this year...first she's grown much taller and a bit more mature and second, there is not that little sis/big bro vibe anymore, :tongue_smilie:. She and I just laughed out loud about it. Although her younger ds is still like a brother to her and my son.

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That's kind of like when my scrappy little barbarian came out of his room after getting ready for church in a SUIT. :svengo: This is a child who acts like I'm killing him when I ask him to take a shower. He also has zero fashion sense. I've not paid enough attention before and gotten out of the car in the church parking lot only to notice that he was wearing bright orange fleece pants several sizes too small so they only go down to his calves with filthy old shoes and a ratty camo shirt. He has also worn an orange plaid shirt with blue plaid shorts. :001_huh: Yes, this child mixes plaids. I thought civilizing him might be impossible. When he came out in the suit, internally I was dancing around and singing, "I tamed the barbarian and he is now civilized! HA!"


Your daughter is lucky! I was a tom boy because all of my friends were tom boys. I got curious about nail polish and did my nails when I was a senior in high school and my best friend sneered and told me just how stupid nail polish is. :( Now I'm 31 and have no idea how to use makeup, even though I get curious from time to time. I also have no idea how to do my hair. I wish I'd had a friend like your daughter found!

Edited by Sputterduck
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Lol...the same thing appears to be happening here.


My tomboy suddenly wants me to fix her hair for her on Sundays....


Yesterday I stayed home from church with a sick kid...when my dh and the girls got back, he asked her "So, who's the boy you were making eyes at today?"


Younger sis immediately piped up with a certain boy's name :lol: Older DD turned a thousand shades of red, made worse when I started telling dh about what a nice boy he is...lol.

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LOL! All part of growing up and noticing the opposite gender. :lol:


I never thought my girls were into that sort of thing until the other day DH and I were asking our kids what they wanted to be when they grew up and DD6 says hesitantly, "A tv star?" And when I asked what types of shows, she says, "A fashion show." WTH??? My 6 year old, who I have done my darndest to shelter, tells me she wants to be a model? How does she even know what that is???

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It is great that she has a friend to help her along because many days my daughter and I are oil and water. If I come up with an idea it may take her MONTHS to come around to thinking it's good. If it's her friend who mentions it...maybe a few days for it to be accepted :glare:...annoying, but oh well. She beats to her own drum that's for sure. It is getting better though and she's starting to accept suggestions-I just mention that I'm going to do something and that maybe she'd like to join me...seems to be working. We did find some pretty shirts today, one that I was quite surprised that she picked out, it was so pretty, but I didn't think it was really her style. She was also excited that I found a Hello Kitty in glasses with the words Geek Chic written underneath, lol. She thought it was awesome :D-she's proud of her geekness she says. She also found a shirt (the only one in the store) that said, "If you think I'm crazy...wait till you meet my mom!" :lol: That's ok...I know I'm a nut. Her eyebrows look better too. They just 'cleaned' them up today. Next time they'll do a little more shaping. The lady was so sweet and said, 'see you in two weeks dear', :D

Edited by CountryGirl2
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