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giving away kitten question

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This spring, our female cat got out and got pregnant. She was only 5 months old, and I had heard that it advisable to wait until 6 months to get her fixed. So, in early July, 4 kittens were born. They are now 7 weeks old, and we have managed to find a good home for two of them. A teacher I work with really wanted the other boy kitty we still had. So, we took her the kitten yesterday. Now, keep in mind, they had a German Shepherd

already, as well as, a female cat. This morning she calls and wants to give the cat back because it isn't getting along with the other animals. I don't know what to think. Part of me feels that, if they took the kitten in good faith, it is now their problem. Of course, since I love cats, the other part just wants to go ge the kitten and try again. In order to keep a good working relationship, I'm sure we will go get the cat, but I'm sort of miffed. What would you guys think?

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It would appear that the person who took the kitten is not prepared to integrate it into her home. That takes work on her part and more than a day to do.


Go pick up the kitten. Find it a better home. Just be sure to ask lots of questions of your potential adoptive parents.

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I'm kind of surprised at how many people don't remember how frustrating it can be to introduce a new pet to your household. She may not know that it makes life much easier if you keep pets separated and introduce them gradually. I wouldn't just chalk it up to her being a "bad pet owner". I'm sure she was frazzled from a night of everyone freaking out on each other when you talked to her this morning.


It's so, so hard to find homes for kittens at this time of year. If you could walk her through the appropriate steps to successful pet introduction, things may work out just fine and you'll have one less kitten to find a home for. I've had to do this for more than one person and the results were great. They ended up with a forever pet and I didn't need to seek out another home. It doesn't always work, but a lot of times it does.


Try talking to her later today.

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We had the same cat pregnant problem and actually found out that by certain state laws it is illegal to separate a mother and it's kitten or puppy before 8 weeks old. Personally, I'd gratefully pick up the kitten to find a better, more tolerant home and then check your state law...

Edited by jadedone80
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