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Poll: Natural Progesterone

Natural Progesterone  

  1. 1. Natural Progesterone

    • I have been taking it longer then 6 months
    • I have been taking it shorter then 6 months
    • I take it and love it and have no side effects would highly recommend
    • I tried it and horrible side effects would not recommend
    • I tried it and stopped and had horrible side effects
    • I tried it and stopped and had no side effects from stopping

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I would like to try Emereta Progesterone Cream. My GYN told me last year that he supports his patients who would like to try this.


Unfortunately, I heard a horrifying story about a woman who was taking NP, and the fat built up so when she had to have blood drawn, she couldn't. Fact? Fiction? I don't know.


I know that my progesterone drops around day 18-19 of my cycle because my bOOks are so sore, then about day 22-24 I will start spotting, and around day 26-27, I get my cycle. Last about 5-6 days. Heavier bleeding on day 2, but light on days 3-6.


I am still going to discuss the Novasure option with my GYN, because I am just SICK of spotting for 3-5 days prior, and it seems like I just get done with my period, and it starts all over again. But I want to try the least invasive routes first.


Mirena was a failure. BLEH


Chasteberry Vitex made my stomach upset. Couldhave been coincedence as I was on another new med at the time.


So my last two options would be Nat. Progesterone, or Mini Pill.


If I didn't have this spotting, I wouldn't care. I can deal with my periods with no problem. But I HATE the indecision of my body. If I am going to get my period, let's just get it and get it done. Nevermind this pre-game show, KWIM?


This is why I am hesitant still about Novasure. It is only because I spot every month.(For about 3 years now). I am going to be 44. My mother went through menopause at 48.


So I am leaving up a poll............on who tkes NP and how long etc....


Could you also add what brand you are taking, and specifically, if it helped with spotting.

Edited by dancer67
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I would try the progesterone cream.

I used it for a couple of years and loved it- it made all the difference ot me. However I took half the recommended dose, and only in the evenings- it was enough for me.

I stopped - I think it had built up in my system- I just felt to stop it and found my cycles much easier to handle even after I stopped. They still are.

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I didn't vote because I guess I am an "other."


I took it and it worked, mostly without side effects.


That said, it took me some time to find the sweet spot as far as usage was concerned. At one point, I was grossly overusing it, and had very obvious side effects such as water retention, nausea, and lactation. (I only continued using it because these seemed like pregnancy symptoms to me - and it is unwise to suddenly stop using progesterone at the beginning of a pregnancy.) After numerous negative tests, I stopped the progesterone. Things went back to normal pretty quickly. Once I cut it back to just a fingertip, once per day, I found myself with a healthier cycle overall.


I still had spotting, but it was later in the cycle, and so I would stop taking the progesterone when the spotting started. My period would start right after. The longer I took it, the more normal everything got...


I took it for well over a year, and into my pregnancy.

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I am using it now, and have been for about 6 months. I know I have very low Progesterone levels. I can not stay pregnant without taking a fairly high dose.


I'm taking the cream now, and it helps SO much with hot flashes, rage, sleeplessness, and breast tenderness. I have noticed that I can not lose weight on it. if I eat what would normally make me lose, I can maintain, so I'm going to stay on it, and see if that side effect goes away as my hormones level out.


I will try only taking it at night. that might help.


On the other hand, my skin is so clear now that I only need a little powder instead of foundation. I am much happier, so I think I need to stick with it a little longer.

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I used Emerita for a while, but I don't think it helped any of my peri-menopausal symptoms. I have never had spotting, so can't help you there. Acupuncture helped more.


I read a menopause book by Susun Weed, and one of the things she said that made sense to me was something like progesterone comes from the Latin pro(for) and gestation(pregnancy). A woman going through menopause won't be getting pregnant again, so supporting pregnancy doesn't make sense.

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Maybe it is just me, but it doesn't seem that there are many women who have spotting prior to their periods? Is this rare?


I had all the tests done, including thyroid, endo biopsy etc..and nothing.


So the only explanation I can think of is low progesterone?

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