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what do you do when you're feeling run down?

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Like you're about to come down with something, it just hasn't hit full force yet?

Is there anything you do to boost your immune system, or to take extra good care of yourself?



For a few days now I've felt like I'm fixing to catch a cold, but I haven't. I wake up and go to bed a little bit sick at my stomach. Yesterday my throat started to hurt, and again to today and my sinuses hurt.

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Drink a lot of water, juice and herb teas --red raspberry leaf which is high in iron and vitamin C, mullein (great for the lungs and glands), and horsetail grass tea to help me relax and sleep -- it is high in silica which the body turns into calcium, and a spoonful of honey.

Go for a vigorous walk as often as possible.

Have TeA

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Drink a lot of water, juice and herb teas --red raspberry leaf which is high in iron and vitamin C, mullein (great for the lungs and glands), and horsetail grass tea to help me relax and sleep -- it is high in silica which the body turns into calcium, and a spoonful of honey.

Go for a vigorous walk as often as possible.

Have TeA



Dh is going to pick me up some red raspberry leaf tea and I have some mullein. But I have never heard of horsetail grass tea, I'll have to go look it up.

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All of the above plus:



1000mg doses of Garlic Gelcaps, and at the first hint of a cold. Take 8-10 of them 4 times/day until all traces of symptoms disappear - usually about 2-3 days OR just lots more garlic than usual.


Vitamin D3 is known as the “antibiotic vitamin†- lately this has really worked for all of us. Amazing. :)

At least 5000 IU daily through cold and flu season

Remember with exposure to sunlight in the summer, the body can generate between 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU of vitamin D per hour with no ill effects.

So if a germ is coming on, your body can easily handle 30,000 IU that day. Two 5,000 softgels in the morning, two more in the afternoon and two more in the evening are safe. Just think of it as if you spend the day in the sun and hopefully you can shut down the germ.

When you feel like you’re getting sick, you can take:

10,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 30,000 IU total for day

8,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 24,000 IU total for day

6,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 18,000 IU total for day

4,000 IU 3 times per day for 3 days – 12,000 IU total for day

Back to normal intake of D3 – whether you normally take 2,000, 5,000, or whatever.

I have safely given my dc high doses of D3. It's really helped our ds who gets viral-induced asthma.

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Extra sleep, vitamin C, garlic, etc...the usual.


I also heat a small pan of water on the stove, and when it starts to steam add a few drops of these essential oils: tea tree, peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptis. Breath in the steam (keeping eyes closed!). This has worked for me many times when I felt like I was getting sick.

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when I was visiting my sister and we were fixing to leave the state to visit relatives I started to feel achy and sore throat coming on and she gave me Zicam. It worked. Not the cool, natural remedies others talked about though...but I only had to squirt it in my throat 1 day and it worked!

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