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Toddlers and pillows?

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I would let any child over about the age of 1 have a pillow. Maybe not a super-puffy giant-sized down pillow, but a pillow. I also start using warm knitted baby blankets in the crib at about one. I would have no reservations about putting a normally developing two-year-old in a bed with sheets and blankets and a pillow.


Smothering in bedding is an infant thing. A young infant thing.

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I am allowed to give a child a pillow at 18months. However, I'm kinda thinking that since he hasn't had it since he's been here, he may not need it. Of course, we weren't allowed to give him a blanket until now either. The state has all sorts of rules for us.


BTW, I was reading an article and it was saying "if your child is under two, you need to pay attention." It was SIDS stuff saying to be careful all the way up to two years old. That seems awfully old for a typically developing toddler. Seriously, he can run, gallop, throw a ball accurately, but will suffocate in his bed? I don't think so.

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I think a 2 yr old is fine w/a pillow. My odd got one when she moved to the toddler bed, around 19 or 20 mos. Just a small one. My youngest slept in the crib until she was 3, but I know she had a pillow before then. We gave her one when we noticed she was piling up her blanket under her head when she slept to make herself one. I would guess it was close to age 2 also.

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