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How do I get it all done?

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We just started back to school this week. I have a 7th grader, 4th grader and soon to be 4 year old. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and figure out the best flow for the day.


We joined a TOG co-op this year that will also cover Apologia science and either IEW or TOG writing. I've never been in a forced 4 day week. I like 4 day weeks - with a 5th day to "have fun". However, now we have to do it all in 4 days and the 5th day is a full co-op day.


On top of school we have piano, violin and choir. My poor 4 year old is just along for the ride. I feel like I'm with either my son or daughter going over lessons and he gets a book here and there. Thank goodness he loves to build with Legos, play trains and put together puzzles.


I would love to see how you schedule your day. We've always done alot of subjects together, but they are moving in to different sciences this year and although we are studying the same time period the focus on the books is different.


I just need to hear from others and see how everyone is putting it all together. I know there are seasoned moms with alot more children than 3 who are getting it done. I need to hear from you!!!:001_smile:




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Well can you get in a 1/2 day of work (or even 2 hours) on the day of the co-op? We're taking some classes through a co-op this fall, but we specifically decided to do only afternoon classes, no morning. As you say, it's going to make things feel a bit more pressured. You might even take say two priority classes that HAVE to be done all 4-5 days and let them overflow to Saturday (math...).

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We have to be at co-op by 8:40 a.m. (which means leaving the house around 8:20 a.m.) and it's over at 2:00. I've already committed, so there's no backing out now - since the first one is this Friday. YIKES!!:001_smile: I have to teach during that entire time, so I think I'll be spent for the day.


It's hard for me to imagine doing school on the weekend. I guess it's b/c my husband is home, the t.v. is on, etc.... It's just not our normal quiet, relaxing environment. However, we may just have to change! Maybe Sunday afternoon we start our school week? Hmm, something to think about.



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:grouphug: I have a 6th grader, 3rd grader, and a 4.5yr old....I feel the same about my 4yr old. I need to schedule her more often into my day. At night she begs, BEGS me to sit and do her reading and math and sometimes I'm just too tired.


We do "school" on weekends. Sometimes it's something planned, other times it's an opportune moment that presents itself. My kids don't have an issue w/ the weekends. It is harder w/ DH home and the TV on. Now that we have a larger house, we can go upstairs or downstairs so that will be nice.


I think starting the school week on Sunday afternoon is a wonderful idea. I think I might schedule a read aloud time and any un-finished work for that time.

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I've just been making some fairly major changes - I have 7th, 5th, 1st, and Pre-K this year.


The first thing that I figured was that at 7th grade, I was doing about 2hrs homework at the weekends, with a few bits and bats in the evenings, besides two instrument practices and lessons. So I figured that my 7th grader could do this too. I now have a list of things for her to do at the weekend, and she also has to find time for her Assigned Reading, as I did. With a few things off the weekday schedule altogether, it was beginning to get easier to see how it would all fit in.


The other thing we did was to take a harsh look at how much time our extra-curriculas were taking. My 7th grader was doing 1.5hrs of ballet 3 times a week, which doesn't look much, but add in 30mins travel each way and changing and faffing, and that's quite a bit of time. She was also doing 3hrs of sailing, and skating with the family on Saturdays. And quite apart from all the time taken, this was costly. Anyway, we just don't have time for all of that, so we finally said "ONE sport only", and she's chosen to quit ballet and do sailing and skating alternately (they aren't things she has to do every week, so alternating works fine).


I am just finalising our schedule for 2011-2012 and it's beginning to come together - it can be a right headache though, trying to fit everything in, and more than that, make sure that each person's plan co-ordinates with everyone else's. How I'd manage without Excel, I really don't know!

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Well hedgehog, that 2 hours of homework on the weekend certainly is something to ponder. Anything specific you're putting to that? I figure she might have some co-op tasks that get put there.


For me, it's things that my 7th grader was doing completely independently anyway. All I've done is to take away the scheduled time for them: she has to find a good time to do it herself (it's all about planning and time management which I figure is an important part of late logic stage).


So - her subjects/programs to fit in on the weekend are:



  • Spelling Workout

  • MCP Word Study

  • Music Theory (having gone over the lesson the day before)

  • Memory Work (her set poem or Bible verses)

  • Latin and French vocabulary

  • Assigned Reading

  • Corrections for any subject.



Thinking about it, the Assigned Reading obviously isn't included in that two hours, it's in addition to, but I'm okay with that. She knows she can do that during the week as well if she wants. And oftentimes, Sunday afternoons are whiled away curled up on her bed with a book.

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For me, it's things that my 7th grader was doing completely independently anyway. All I've done is to take away the scheduled time for them: she has to find a good time to do it herself (it's all about planning and time management which I figure is an important part of late logic stage).


So - her subjects/programs to fit in on the weekend are:



  • Spelling Workout

  • MCP Word Study

  • Music Theory (having gone over the lesson the day before)

  • Memory Work (her set poem or Bible verses)

  • Latin and French vocabulary

  • Assigned Reading

  • Corrections for any subject.



Thinking about it, the Assigned Reading obviously isn't included in that two hours, it's in addition to, but I'm okay with that. She knows she can do that during the week as well if she wants. And oftentimes, Sunday afternoons are whiled away curled up on her bed with a book.


Slightly off-topic, but could you share what you use for Music Theory? Looking for something for my 6th grade son.

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Slightly off-topic, but could you share what you use for Music Theory? Looking for something for my 6th grade son.


ABRSM Theory of Music workbooks. You can get them from amazon.com, or amazon.ca, or amazon.co.uk. The ABRSM is a British organisation, but they hold their examinations all over the world if you wanted your ds to sit the exams. They also produce two teacher's books - the pink book is for Grades 1-5, and the blue book is for Grades 6-8. HTH!

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ABRSM Theory of Music workbooks. You can get them from amazon.com, or amazon.ca, or amazon.co.uk. The ABRSM is a British organisation, but they hold their examinations all over the world if you wanted your ds to sit the exams. They also produce two teacher's books - the pink book is for Grades 1-5, and the blue book is for Grades 6-8. HTH!


Thanks! I'll check them out.

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We're doing year 4 this year. We did year 2 last year, but we skipped to year 4 in order to join a co-op. We were NEVER on the same year as anyone else in our area. There are numerous co-ops and they were all doing different years. It was GREAT when we went to the library b/c no on else was checking those books out!:D However, there was no one to do activities with. I'm excited about the Unit celebrations and other activites we can share with others.

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My 6th grader has been getting up early and doing a few subjects early. It has been a life-saver in him getting it all done. With scouts twice a month, scout and ahg activities and our twice monthly grocery run we lose 2/3 of a day every week as well. His early morning rising and schoolwork has changed everything!!

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