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feet cold, stomach queasy, 15 days until I start and I am not sure I am up tot this.


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I have threads of nagging doubts, so I pulled a little on one today, and now I feel like the whole blanket is unraveling.


I have no choice about homeschooling ds9. He's flourished when we've home schooled, and cried in frustration when we tried both public and charter schools. He's gifted in math, better-read than most adults, and an autodidact. So this part is easy.


DS11 is going to the charter he attended last year. He's a good student, works hard, and the environment at the school is positive. It is not as academic as I would like, but I've made peace with myself on this one. They are placing him ahead one year in math and putting him in a tiny group with one other math-accelareated kid so that is something, at least.


DD7 was home schooled for 1/2 of kindergarten and attended PS for first grade last year. She had a great year socially. Academically she was not challenged very much, but she also wasn't so far ahead either. She liked school and her friends and overall I would say her school experience was generally positive. Unless you really think academics are the point. In which case, her year was eh. She wants to homeschool, mainly because she froths at the mouth when she hears names like Galileo and Mozart and wants to do REAL work.


DS5 isn't the strong reader most of his sibs were at the start of kindergarten but he is coming along. He just tuned 5 this summer so he would be one of the younger kids in his class. And he is tiny for his age. So our plan was just to keep him home anyway this year. But he doesn't have a real cohort of little friends and the three buds he does have are all starting school and I know from experience that he will soon be out of the loop if he is home.


I've been so excited to really start home schooling in earnest. I have the books, the plan, the organization, etc. etc. etc. It's been my focus all summer. I'm ready.


But the little thread of doubt has to do with the bickering my kids have been engaged in--esp. DD7 and DS5--and the peaceful and cooperative attitude my strong-willed DD has in school. I'm worried that the family dynamic will interfere with her ability to learn. I'm worried DS5 will miss out on a chance to get out from under his bossy sister's yoke.


I'm just worried..........


DH supports HSing DS9 mut he has doubts about the efficacy of HSing the other two with all the kid dynamics and the baby and his constant travels.


So I'm worried.....


Thanks for listening....

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I don't think that homeschooling is easy and you definitely seem to have some legitimate concerns. I also worry about the bickering between siblings and mine are still really little! Honestly, if you feel like homeschooling is what is best for your family (or most of it), I know it will work out fine for you. I think once you actually get going and really get into a groove, you will be fine. Honestly, if things don't go well (which I am not saying that will happend), you can always put them in school. I know our schools will take kids anytime. Just breathe a little, pray about it (if you pray) and jump in!

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The bickering may calm down once your kids have something to do besides bicker. ;)


Mine actually bicker less now that I'm homeschooling. They bickered more when they were apart all day and then DS1 would come home and disrupt the balance that had been present during the day. So now we have a new balance, and if we stick to a good schedule, there is very little bickering. During week-long breaks, the bickering returns a bit, which is why I school year round - no long summer break to bicker for 3 months. ;)

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But the little thread of doubt has to do with the bickering my kids have been engaged in--esp. DD7 and DS5--and the peaceful and cooperative attitude my strong-willed DD has in school. I'm worried that the family dynamic will interfere with her ability to learn. I'm worried DS5 will miss out on a chance to get out from under his bossy sister's yoke.



I don't see how sending children to school is supposed to solve sibling rivalry. I expect it will exist regardless of where the children are, much as dust-bunnies are under the sofa, regardless of whether I see them or not. Just because you are not hearing it as much during the day (which is certainly a stressful thing!) does not mean it will have truly gone away.

Your DS5 "might" bloom outside of the house, but he'll have to wilt when he comes home, because your DD will not have changed. There is also the possibility that your DS5 might find other children to be overbearing at his school, and if he is shy, he may be less likely to seek help from his teachers. With you he knows that Mom can be counted on for help when his sister is bossing him around!


The bottom line is that whether you home-school your children or whether they go to a school outside the home, their family dynamic issues are still there! You just won't have to listen to it. There are many reasons to contemplate when deciding what form the education of a child should take. But I don't think that outside schooling solves the problem of children bickering with each other.

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I don't see how sending children to school is supposed to solve sibling rivalry.


:iagree: I have had many, many moms tell me their kids got along better when they were home alone for awhile (ie. summer vacation.) When school started up, and they got to hang with their friends instead of their sibs, the bickering went up exponentially.


I would expect them to get along just fine, especially as littles without too many outside activities.

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I would expect them to get along just fine, especially as littles without too many outside activities.


I don't think I'd expect them to get along fine unless they heard it from Mom, as in "I EXPECT you to get along fine." Said with a smile, naturally, with the knowledge of what they can also expect should they NOT choose to get along fine.:D Home school for a child is both a responsibility and a gift from the parents, particularly Mom, who gives up so much time, energy, resources, blood, sweat and tears to do it. Certain conduct has to be expected from the child. My boys are certainly all boy, and play can turn into a wrestling match involving the typical he-hit-me-but-he-started-it argument. Just not during school. I won't tolerate it and they know it.

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The bickering may calm down once your kids have something to do besides bicker. ;)


Mine actually bicker less now that I'm homeschooling. They bickered more when they were apart all day and then DS1 would come home and disrupt the balance that had been present during the day. So now we have a new balance, and if we stick to a good schedule, there is very little bickering. During week-long breaks, the bickering returns a bit, which is why I school year round - no long summer break to bicker for 3 months. ;)


:iagree: If my girls don't have something structured to do, they tend to fall into bickering. When we homeschool, they don't have time to bicker! :D

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The bickering may calm down once your kids have something to do besides bicker. ;)


Mine actually bicker less now that I'm homeschooling. They bickered more when they were apart all day and then DS1 would come home and disrupt the balance that had been present during the day. So now we have a new balance, and if we stick to a good schedule, there is very little bickering. During week-long breaks, the bickering returns a bit, which is why I school year round - no long summer break to bicker for 3 months. ;)


:iagree: We started hs'ing this summer after ds8 finished 2nd grade in ps. This has been the best summer! He and DD5 get along so much better than in the past when he was away at school all day. I also feel like my relationship with him is better too. Last August, I remember thinking I can't wait until school starts to get some peace. This year, I'm so happy that they won't be going to school on Monday!

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