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Good cup with lid for my 7 year old?

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I want a good BPA free cup with a lid for my 7 year old. She's good about not spilling, but I want her to be able to carry water around the house during the day (and when we leave the house) so that she can drink more. I don't think she gets enough water. And I want to be able for her to take it in and out of the fridge when she wants it too. So I prefer some sort of lid or spout. It needs to be able to be cleaned easily too.


I don't really care for the Sigg type bottles because they get so much condensation on the outsides.

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My fave is the Contigo cups- they're amazing! Non-drip.. you just hold the button to sip. bpa free in plastic, or they have stainless. they even have some that are double-walled for insulation! I wash them in the top rack of the dishwasher- wouldn't use anything else! Even my 9 year old uses them!

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We have several Sigg and Sigg-esque stainless steel containers, pre-filled, in the fridge. Totally grab-and-go. One kid prefers colder water, and likes to have a few containers going at the same time, rotating between fridge and 'out'. You can buy the lids that are sports-top lids, and there are also brands that have pop-top lids (with straws going down into the container, but not sticking up the spout).


My kids pretty much always drink water, and always have a bottle nearby - even when we run errands, they'll grab a bottle and bring it with. I like that we can get different sizes. It was an initial investment, but has proven well worth that up-front expense.

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If you don't mind a bottle shape for the "cup", I LOVE the ones off the Flylady.com website. Double-walled stainless steel so there's no condensation, double opening at the top (one to clean the bottle easily, as well as put ice cubes in, and one spout to drink out of). It's hard to explain, but check it out. My 9 year old loves hers.

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