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They want to quit music lessons

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My ds 10 (11 next month) has decided after 2 years, he longer wants to continue drum lessons. While I have seen that he has no real passion for it, he does have a natural talent.


My ds 8 has also decided that after 2 years of piano, he too does not want to continue. He does not enjoy learning the lesson or practicing, but once he can play the song, a big smile goes on his face.


I am mixed because while I want them to take music lessons, I also want them to have a say, considering they are getting older. The whole lesson of not quitting has been learned, so I'm not sure if I should make them continue or not.:confused:


Any suggestions?

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Not too long ago--2 years maybe--I posted something similar on this board, when dd was saying she wanted to bury her violin in the backyard. Now she is preparing to audition to colleges for music therapy. ;)


I'd try to hang in there a little longer, especially if you see talent.

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My ds 10 (11 next month) has decided after 2 years, he longer wants to continue drum lessons. While I have seen that he has no real passion for it, he does have a natural talent.


My ds 8 has also decided that after 2 years of piano, he too does not want to continue. He does not enjoy learning the lesson or practicing, but once he can play the song, a big smile goes on his face.


I am mixed because while I want them to take music lessons, I also want them to have a say, considering they are getting older. The whole lesson of not quitting has been learned, so I'm not sure if I should make them continue or not.:confused:


Any suggestions?


I would not let them quit.


My ds11 has gone through periods of HATING his piano lessons. Right now he is really enjoying it...especially after attending a local day camp 'school of rock' for a week this summer.

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