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Chicken people -

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I'm finally beginning to accept that we're going to be living in this house for a few more years.

One of the things that saddens me the most (after our interior space issues, lol) is the fact that our civic association does not allow chickens.


With backyard city chickens being all the rage, one would think someone would have designed a nice little brochure or presentation for winning over anti-chicken people in positions of power. I consider myself a pretty good Googler, but I have yet to discover such a thing.


And so, I must make one.


But I can't seem to organize my thoughts.


I'd like to put something together on paper that I could give to my 9 board members, and that will sway at least 5 of them. One is a good friend. Two are acquaintances. The rest pretty much don't like me. :tongue_smilie:

I think I have a 50/50 shot if I can do a good job.


I want to highlight the noise issue (no roosters, hens typically much quieter than our neighborhood dogs, oh, and much less destructive than our feral cats!!!!) and positive bug issues (3 of my kids have come in with nearly a dozen ticks this summer).

There are a million other points I want to address, but they're all jumbled up and I have no idea how to format them.


Any input would be appreciated. :)

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Contact Peter Thomason in Ypsilanti, MI. He fought for city chickens and won! Here's a link to his blog, which has more info. Unfortunately, the news story link is broken.


Here's a link to the city ordinance and chicken permit application. That may help you come up with a way to present it to your council.


We never had chickens when we were there, but I wanted them, so I followed the issue closely. Thankfully, I now live somewhere where I don't need to worry about my 11 hens :001_smile:.

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I don't have time to run it all down right now but look on bozemandailychronicle.com and search the archives on this issue (or call them for help if their goofy website isn't working-it's a small town, they will help!) Our town went through this last year-one town won and the next town over lost. A friend of ours is a councilman in the town where they lost and I remember one of their concerns was chickens getting loose and running all over the place-apparently their town had gone through a feral bunny episode and they weren't over it yet! LOL So maybe consider addressing secure pens/yards....

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Another thought. One of the towns in my area allows backyard chickens with a permit. You can only have 5 chickens per household, no roosters. They will allow roosters if they are in an insulation (for sound) coop until at least 8:00 am.


You might suggest a requirement for well built insulated coops if the board seems concerned about dawn noises.


Good luck

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