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Lucy Fitch Perkins's Twins books ... anyone read?


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We have Dutch Twins. I really thought I'd like it more than I do. We started it and never finished it. I'm going to pull it out and take a look. I don't know really why we stopped, but if we love a book we do get around to reading it. We might've had too many read alouds going, but that doesn't sound like it's the whole answer.

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We loved The Dutch Twins but stalled out on The Japanese Twins. I think we'll give it another shot eventually. One thing you might consider is that, according to my understanding, the ages of the twins in each story changes and the level of the story changes with them. You probably know this already, but you can take a look at them for free at mainlesson.com. Also, although not free, Yesterday's Classics has at least some of them available as ebooks in very nice forms, complete with the cute, cute illustrations.

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Are there any lesson plans, directions or support for these books?


Not that I've seen, though that would be lots of fun. For The Dutch Twins, we did a bit of mapwork, googled some relevant images, and got a few books from the library, but that was mostly off-the-cuff and interest-driven. Oh--now that I think about it it, we also looked at some Breughel paintings and once I tried to reproduce a dish described in the book (not a success, although my son professed to enjoy it). Based on that book, at least, they would lend themselves to some great activities, and if anyone has taken an organized approach to that, I for one would love to hear about it.

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