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Task Cards - Secular?


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Yes, they are. I have the entire science set and a couple others. While I haven't read through EVERY card - after looking through many of them I have not seen any religious references at all.


I think the main thing to remember with these is this: You decide which books your children will use. So whether you want to keep it religion-free or very religious then it is easy to only supply books that support whatever view you want to expose your dc to. Does this make sense? hth

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From what I have used of them so far, I would say yes. Religion is mentioned in the history ones, obviously, but I have not seen any in the science I bought (chemistry). Do you have a specific question?


I'm interested in the history and art ones right now. I know it is impossible to have history without mentioning religion but I wondered how big of a role it plays in these cards, i.e., is there something religious on every card or just once in awhile?


I think the main thing to remember with these is this: You decide which books your children will use. So whether you want to keep it religion-free or very religious then it is easy to only supply books that support whatever view you want to expose your dc to. Does this make sense? hth


Thank you. *This* is why I'm interested in the cards.:)

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I'm interested in the history and art ones right now. I know it is impossible to have history without mentioning religion but I wondered how big of a role it plays in these cards, i.e., is there something religious on every card or just once in awhile?




Thank you. *This* is why I'm interested in the cards.:)


Well, I have the medieval card set, and there are a fair number of tasks that in some sense relate to religion, but really there are more things like "Religion summary: Buddhism" and that is it. You and student take it in the direction you want. Even the parts about, say, Byzantine Christianity, don't say anything at all about it specifically; again, it says "Religion Summary: the Eastern Church". Or for instance, a later card says "add St. Benedict, the persecution of the Jews, and the Great Schism to your timeline or century book." one of the last cards says, "encyclopedia research: Reformation and Counter-reformation" followed by "Further reading: Reformation and Counter-reformation." In my view, this is the perfect vehicle for covering these topics according to the family's preference. Even in a secular context, one must know about the Reformation, eg., and the cards allow the texts chosen to speak for themselves. Clearly, one could make a heavily sectarian course using these, but the cards in themselves are neutral. :001_smile:

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Well, I have the medieval card set, and there are a fair number of tasks that in some sense relate to religion, but really there are more things like "Religion summary: Buddhism" and that is it. You and student take it in the direction you want. Even the parts about, say, Byzantine Christianity, don't say anything at all about it specifically; again, it says "Religion Summary: the Eastern Church". Or for instance, a later card says "add St. Benedict, the persecution of the Jews, and the Great Schism to your timeline or century book." one of the last cards says, "encyclopedia research: Reformation and Counter-reformation" followed by "Further reading: Reformation and Counter-reformation." In my view, this is the perfect vehicle for covering these topics according to the family's preference. Even in a secular context, one must know about the Reformation, eg., and the cards allow the texts chosen to speak for themselves. Clearly, one could make a heavily sectarian course using these, but the cards in themselves are neutral. :001_smile:


Thank you, that is exactly what I wanted to know!

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