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I wish politics was banned on facebook too.

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Or you can hide the status updates of individual people. You can still see when they post on your other friends' walls or if you choose to go to their profiles and they can still see all of your stuff, but if 90% of what they post is vitriolic political stuff you'd rather not have to wade through, this option can help save a friendship.

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Me too!!! I have some good friends that while I really like them, we have TOTALLY opposite political views and it REALLY offends me and annoys me to read some of the venemous comments people make about politics. Good grief. I don't want to hide them, because I want to see other stuff..just not the political stuff.

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You can exercise the "Hide this post" option by hovering over the post with your mouse and clicking on the little "x."


I should have done that, but it's too late. I've been ignoring one poster's incessant campaigning pretty well. Today I couldn't take it any more. Against my better judgement I replied to something that really got me hot under the collar, now I regret it. Maybe I should go back and delete all my comments.

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I love reading the varied political rants of FB and G+ friends. I appreciate their passion -- despite our opposing views.


I don't mind *opposing* *views* at all. It's the snarkiness, the condescension, the vitriol, the insults, the meanspirited mockery, etc that distress me.


I have friends at far ends of the political spectrum, and when they express those views thoughtfully, I have no problem reading them.

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I love reading the varied political rants of FB and G+ friends. I appreciate their passion -- despite our opposing views.
I enjoy hearing reasoned opinions and musings and questioning but have little tolerance for regurgitation. The farther we get into election season, the more I choose to judiciously "ignore."
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I don't mind *opposing* *views* at all. It's the snarkiness, the condescension, the vitriol, the insults, the meanspirited mockery, etc that distress me.
I would add paranoia. :sad:
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I don't mind *opposing* *views* at all. It's the snarkiness, the condescension, the vitriol, the insults, the meanspirited mockery, etc that distress me.


I have friends at far ends of the political spectrum, and when they express those views thoughtfully, I have no problem reading them.



The nastiness upsets me, even if I completely agree with someone.

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I love reading the varied political rants of FB and G+ friends. I appreciate their passion -- despite our opposing views.


Do you appreciate it when they're downright mean and name calling though?


I appreciate passion also..but some of the things I read are just..well, a little over the top. I don't mind their views..but when they start calling the opposite party names and just being mean, I kind of think "wow...is that what they really think of me? " LOL

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Do you appreciate it when they're downright mean and name calling though?
I'm not Beth, but I don't recall an instance of my FB friends going "there." These boards though... well, I'm glad politics is banned.
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Do you appreciate it when they're downright mean and name calling though?


I appreciate passion also..but some of the things I read are just..well, a little over the top. I don't mind their views..but when they start calling the opposite party names and just being mean, I kind of think "wow...is that what they really think of me? " LOL


I find it pretty entertaining, to be honest. And I'm glad that there isn't a ban on politics on most boards/social networks. I'm an adult who can choose for myself what threads I'd like to read and which ones I should just skip.

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