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Could it be the brand of test? - More female content

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In reference to THIS.


I've been testing (3x) with THESE. In the past (with DS) I got a very faint BFP at around 8-9 days past ovulation with these same tests. I confirmed with a digital test before AF was due. So, I know these tests have worked for me in the past.


I feel like while some of my "symptoms" could be easily explained by other things or circumstances, a few can't and I just can't shake them. Especially with the fact that AF has not been late since DS's birth. Yes, I have been stressed (to say the least), but that hasn't changed for the last 6 months or so. Things have been the same for awhile now.


Here's my summation:


1. I'm going on 37-38 days now

2. I've been dreaming every night this week (and restless too) - I do not EVER remember dreaming

3. I've been exhausted - ready for bed by 8:30pm every night

4. Headaches daily

5. Sick tummy off and on

6. DS's poop about made me vomit - it doesn't usually bother me

7. I've had excessive gas for a week (definitely not normal)

8. I feel "full" or "heavy" in the lower abdomen

9. I've had what feels almost like ovulation pain in my lower belly, which also feels like round ligament pain (they feel the same to me)

10. I've had significant (though not excessive) milky cervical mucous (TMI??)

11. A few dizzy spells, they don't last long


Obviously, much of this can be explained away, but what I can't get over is late AF, gas, and dreams.


I haven't had even the faintest positive line on the tests I've been taking, but a negative result just "feels" wrong to me.


So, that leads me to my question. Could it be the brand of tests? Should I try something different? Or do I just need to be patient and wait some more? The emotional roller coaster of this is overwhelming. I was in tears last night because I was so frustrated and just wanted to KNOW!



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Honestly, I'd just run to the store and buy a 2 pack of the kind of test where you can get results the earliest....I think I usually get the First Response brand. It would drive me crazy wondering.


And if you still get a negative and you are still feeling the symptoms next week, I'd probably call the doc.

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I'd quit wasting money on tests, and get in to the Drs, asking for both a urine and blood test.


Then again, I'm in Canada, so we have no co-pay, etc, so it really is worth it to go in and get accurate testing for free, rather than mess around with EPT when I'm doubting the accuracy. I don't know if it would work out the same for you.


Check the expiry date on the tests too. That could be an issue.

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The cheapo tests have always been really accurate for me.


From your other posts, you're under a lot of stress, which can greatly affect your cycle. Also, I've wanted to be pregnant before and "imagined" symptoms.


My best guess is that you're not pregnant, sorry.


This would actually be the best scenario, to be honest!

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I'd quit wasting money on tests, and get in to the Drs, asking for both a urine and blood test.


Then again, I'm in Canada, so we have no co-pay, etc, so it really is worth it to go in and get accurate testing for free, rather than mess around with EPT when I'm doubting the accuracy. I don't know if it would work out the same for you.


Check the expiry date on the tests too. That could be an issue.

You can go to the county health dept and get a "good" test for about the same price as tests from the store.


Also all of the dreaming could be because you are worrying yourself nuts about it. Everything else can be because you are simply more aware of your body right now since you are making yourself nuts about it.

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The test measures human gonadotropin levels. If you do not get your period soon you should be seen. Planned parenthood charges on a sliding scale. If you do not wish to use them for any reason please call your regular MD just to be sure that you are ok. I am sorry for all the stressors you are facing, we had a really cruddy and financially stressful summer here and I am looking forward to fall. Your health is likely fine but with all the stress maybe you should be seen. I enjoy your posts and hope all is resolved and peaceful in short order.

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