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To be itchy or ugly?

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I just love having my avatar firmly affixed to this post :o...


Anyhoo, I have shaved my legs year round since junior high, but at the age of 35, they started itching like crazy in the winter. For some reason, wearing anything on my legs makes me want to scratch till I draw blood. :mad:


Recently I had had enough and decided to put down the razor for awhile and to see what would happen.


Well I definitely SAW what would happen and it wasn't pretty. :eek: ...and I don't live in France.


After a little over a week, the razor came back out and the itching began again.


Anyway, have any of you experienced this problem as you, erm, mature? I must know. It is vitally important as I pursue classical homeschooling. :D

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I am no expert but I do have itchy legs in the winter. I have to moisturize the tar out of them. I also switch to a cream hair remover. I think it is veet gentle formula. That seemed to help. I was wondering if the the razor scraping across my skin was just too much for my extra dry sensitive skin.


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Itchy = I'm uncomfortable


Ugly = the person looking at me is uncomfortable


I'll take ugly over itchy every time!


I have the same itchy/dry legs problem in winter. I cut down on frequency of shaving and stick to jeans as much as possible!

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I am similar in winter. My legs itch HORRIBLY! You know what has helped me tremendously? I started using Amy's (Foil Hat) soap, scrubs (using them more often now that it is winter), and her shea butter. Mine are so much better if I keep up with those things -- even with shaving.

Hope you find something that works for you. It is a miserable deep itch, isn't it!

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Drum roll, please...I just had my legs professionally waxed for the first time. I am totally hooked.


Not only would I itch them until they bled (in my sleep!), but my thinner skirts would start sticking to them the day after I shaved them. So I had to shave them every day, or carefully plan what to wear around the static issue. And I hated how they felt, pretty much all the time except right after I shaved them.


So I had them waxed. Now, it does hurt, but not that much. I would not attempt intimate waxing except under general anesthesia, though. But, they were so smooth, and the hair is growing back again much softer. I could wear those skirts for a week instead of a day without static cling. And now that it's starting to seriously grow back in, it doesn't itch nearly as much as it used to, and it's softer in general.


The aesthetician says that after about 3 waxings these effects become more pronounced as well.


Have to tell you, this was not an aesthetic decision as much as a comfort one. I don't DO glamour. I have not had my hair cut in at least 15 years, and I'm quite frugal. But this has really been great. It's WEP. (Worth Every Penny)

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