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Need advice for hurt dog

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Our 7 month old german shepherd cut the large pad on his paw. A small piece was hanging loose and he chewed it off. It left a shallow raw spot about the size of a quarter on the bottom of his pad. It seems to be giving him quite a bit of pain. I've cleansed it with antiseptic, but I'm not sure what to do next. Any advice? TIA

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I would recommend a vet visit really BUT if you cannot do that yet then ecollar to keep him from licking/chewing at it. YOu can even get them at pet stores. You can try a sock but most likley he will pull it right off or even worse chew the sock:glare:.

If it is bleeding you need to apply pressure.

Leash walks only, no running crazy times. These can take a long time to heal. Surgical glue can sometimes close the wound but not knowing what it looks like you really should have a vet visit done.

How did he do the original damage to his pad? and when?

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The only thing that has worked for me....


After the wound is clean, apply a TINY amount of antibiotic ointment (in case the dog licks it).

Use gauze pads, and wrap the gause with that self-sticking-strechy 1st aid wrap (I know wal-mart has it....). Then.... rub dried, ground cayenne pepper all over the wrap. If that doesn't work - any non-toxic substance that won't soak into the bandage is fine.


Good luck :)

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I would recommend a vet visit really BUT if you cannot do that yet then ecollar to keep him from licking/chewing at it. YOu can even get them at pet stores. You can try a sock but most likley he will pull it right off or even worse chew the sock:glare:.

If it is bleeding you need to apply pressure.

Leash walks only, no running crazy times. These can take a long time to heal. Surgical glue can sometimes close the wound but not knowing what it looks like you really should have a vet visit done.

How did he do the original damage to his pad? and when?



He did it this morning, but we don't know how. He was out running with the kids on our acreage. The bleeding stopped on it's own. He seems content to just lie down right now. It's not at all that deep, just raw, and I'm sure very sore. Our vet is closed for the weekend, but I do know of a 24 hour vet clinic about 20 miles away. I'd like to avoid going if I can because it's expensive, but I will take him in if he doesn't seem to improve quickly.

Edited by Once Again
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The only thing that has worked for me....


After the wound is clean, apply a TINY amount of antibiotic ointment (in case the dog licks it).

Use gauze pads, and wrap the gause with that self-sticking-strechy 1st aid wrap (I know wal-mart has it....). Then.... rub dried, ground cayenne pepper all over the wrap. If that doesn't work - any non-toxic substance that won't soak into the bandage is fine.


Good luck :)



That sounds like a good idea. I'll try it. I worry it will get infected if I don't cover it with something, but I didn't think of using cayenne to keep him from pulling the bandage off. Thanks!

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All a vet is going to do is clean it, wrap it, and give you some antibiotics.


Right now it's not infected so you don't need the abx and you can do the rest yourself.


Grab some coflex/vet wrap or pay more for the human version at walmart, put a clean maxipad or panty liner on the bottom of his foot, wrap it on there with the vet wrap as best you can (not too tightly obviously), and do whatever it takes to keep him from eating the bandage and pulling it off.


IME it will heal faster if you keep it clean and dry, without neosporin. I wouldn't worry too much about him licking it if he wants to fuss with it though. Just wrap it as best you can and give him a couple days, he will be fine!

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Don't let him lick or chew at it. Bandaging is fine if you can keep it clean and not bothered. Again stick with leash walks and if going outside with the bandage on then wrap the bandage with a plastic bag to keep it clean.

I would change the bandage at least every 24-36 hours and check it often. It can probably wait until Monday to call into your vet for any other thoughts or if it is still painful for him.

Take care,


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