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You know what's weird,

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I will post something that I worry will be too confrontational, something that I post, and then wince while I hit the "submit" button. I take a deep breath, and wait for the flying tomatoes. I check back to see what has stirred, and who I may have offended.....and.....nothing. The conversation has gone on without me. And my "edgy, inflammatory" comments seem to have gone unnoticed. *whew* I say.


But then, I'll post something I think is completely innocent. Something I think is even boring. And all the sudden - I get the quotes and the friendly fire!


Isn't that weird?


Has that happened to you?

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I will post something that I worry will be too confrontational, something that I post, and then wince while I hit the "submit" button. I take a deep breath, and wait for the flying tomatoes. I check back to see what has stirred, and who I may have offended.....and.....nothing. The conversation has gone on without me. And my "edgy, inflammatory" comments seem to have gone unnoticed. *whew* I say.


But then, I'll post something I think is completely innocent. Something I think is even boring. And all the sudden - I get the quotes and the friendly fire!


Isn't that weird?


Has that happened to you?


:lol::lol: I think you care entirely too much what the hive thinks! :D

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I will post something that I worry will be too confrontational, something that I post, and then wince while I hit the "submit" button. I take a deep breath, and wait for the flying tomatoes. I check back to see what has stirred, and who I may have offended.....and.....nothing. The conversation has gone on without me. And my "edgy, inflammatory" comments seem to have gone unnoticed. *whew* I say.


But then, I'll post something I think is completely innocent. Something I think is even boring. And all the sudden - I get the quotes and the friendly fire!


Isn't that weird?


Has that happened to you?



LOL---Yes! But on a different board. In fact---I just need to give up on that particular board. NO matter what---I either get totally ignored or anything I say has to have some sort of snarky comment added :glare:

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:lol::lol: I think you care entirely too much what the hive thinks! :D


I do! I do!!! BUSTED!!!! I am GUILTY AS CHARGED, Momto4kids!!! :D I am way too bored in my regular life!!! I need to get a "real" life, as they say!!! :001_smile:


But I also get a kick out of saying things, and pointing out things that I think others may be thinking, and won't say. It's fun and funny to me. Yes, I have a very warped sense of humor! :lol:

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I will post something that I worry will be too confrontational, something that I post, and then wince while I hit the "submit" button. I take a deep breath, and wait for the flying tomatoes. I check back to see what has stirred, and who I may have offended.....and.....nothing. The conversation has gone on without me. And my "edgy, inflammatory" comments seem to have gone unnoticed. *whew* I say.


But then, I'll post something I think is completely innocent. Something I think is even boring. And all the sudden - I get the quotes and the friendly fire!


Isn't that weird?


Has that happened to you?


I know EXACTLY what you mean.

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OP; *shrugs* people are different. :001_smile:


They truly are, aren't they!?! I never know what's coming next. It keeps things spicey and interesting here. Hence, why I spend way too much time being interested in seeing what the next poster will think about what "super controversial, edgy, interersting" thing I just said!!! heheheee!!!!!


As Momto4kids pointed out, I care way too much what the hive thinks. But - I think that makes it more fun! :D

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