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Saxon 5/4 questions


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My dd9 just started Saxon 5/4 this week. I have a few questions if you don't mind :001_smile:.........


1) How do you set up your notebook?


2) Does your dc do the Warm-Up on paper, specifically the mental math?


3) Do you make your dc show their work or write out the problem?


4) Does your dc do facts practice other than the Facts Practice Sheet?


Thank you!!!

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Here is what we're doing with 54

1) He uses lined paper, we start a new sheet for each lesson. Not sure this answers you question

2) He does EVERYTHING on paper. He writes the letter/number for mental math and writes the answer next to it

3) He MUST show his work on every problem, that way I can see where his mistakes are, if he has any

4) Saxon has soooo much facts practice that we don't need anymore

I hope this helps!

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Here is what we're doing with 54

1) He uses lined paper, we start a new sheet for each lesson. Not sure this answers you question

2) He does EVERYTHING on paper. He writes the letter/number for mental math and writes the answer next to it

3) He MUST show his work on every problem, that way I can see where his mistakes are, if he has any

4) Saxon has soooo much facts practice that we don't need anymore

I hope this helps!



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My daughter's teacher last year had them


1. Write out the problems

2. Show your work

3. then she had them highlight their answer with a yellow highlighter. At first I thought it was weird but when I had to go over my daughter's homework at night I was able to find her answers. LOL

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My daughter's teacher last year had...them highlight their answer with a yellow highlighter. At first I thought it was weird but when I had to go over my daughter's homework at night I was able to find her answers. LOL

GREAT idea! I'm starting this tomorrow!!

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We just had ds do lesson 32 today!


1.) my dh set up the notebooks with one for 3 - hole punched copies of sheet B, C and D. Most of B, less C and even less D. Not sure if that makes sense or helps.


2.) mental math is only for showing the answer - no work involved (all in the head).


3.) Yes, make dc show all work beyond mental math section. Get them into the habit now!


4.) We did facts practice cards in Saxon 3. We only do the sheets. Though, I have been giving him some extra multiplication sheets from a website so he doesn't forget them!

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Well, we used the sheets that came with the books. The one marked "B" for the mental math and lesson practice. Sheet "C" for Mixed Practice. E for tests. Why aren't you using those? We enjoyed them a lot. He made copies every couple of weeks and kept his work in his folder. I didn't use a binder, just a pocketed folder. His completed work went in the right pocket while his blank work pages were in the left pocket.

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We just had ds do lesson 32 today!


1.) my dh set up the notebooks with one for 3 - hole punched copies of sheet B, C and D. Most of B, less C and even less D. Not sure if that makes sense or helps.


2.) mental math is only for showing the answer - no work involved (all in the head).


3.) Yes, make dc show all work beyond mental math section. Get them into the habit now!


4.) We did facts practice cards in Saxon 3. We only do the sheets. Though, I have been giving him some extra multiplication sheets from a website so he doesn't forget them!


Well, we used the sheets that came with the books. The one marked "B" for the mental math and lesson practice. Sheet "C" for Mixed Practice. E for tests. Why aren't you using those? We enjoyed them a lot. He made copies every couple of weeks and kept his work in his folder. I didn't use a binder, just a pocketed folder. His completed work went in the right pocket while his blank work pages were in the left pocket.


I might be missing something. I didn't know about the sheets. I will double check my stuff. Maybe I overlooked something??

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we used the sheets that came with the books. The one marked "B" for the mental math and lesson practice. Sheet "C" for Mixed Practice. E for tests. Why aren't you using those?

I checked my stuff and don't have any sheets! where can I find them, at least to look at them? :bigear:

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Here is what we're doing with 54

1) He uses lined paper, we start a new sheet for each lesson. Not sure this answers you question

2) He does EVERYTHING on paper. He writes the letter/number for mental math and writes the answer next to it

3) He MUST show his work on every problem, that way I can see where his mistakes are, if he has any

4) Saxon has soooo much facts practice that we don't need anymore

I hope this helps!


This is what we do, too, except my older 2 use a spiral graph notebook instead of lined paper. For my ds9, I made copies of the sheets in the back of the books and bound them.

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We have a math facts binder. I copied each fact sheet and placed inside a sheet protector. I purchased fine tip dry erase markers. And because we had specific problems with multiplication, I made sheets for each set too. :) I am mean like that.


Mental math is done in the head, without paper. :) LOL

Pracrice Problems and Problem Solvers are done on a dry erase board.


Lessons are done in a composition notebook.


We have an examples book, which is blank card stock paper that was bound with a comb. In this book, we solve the problems that we have wrong, and I demonstrate the practice problems. I use multiple colors to demonstrate the steps for solving the problem/finding the solution.



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My dd9 just started Saxon 5/4 this week. I have a few questions if you don't mind :001_smile:.........


1) How do you set up your notebook?


I use a box file for math work, one poly pocket for every 10 lessons + tests + the investigation. We use squared paper, and because we're in the UK, it's A4 size, which is similar to the US 8.5"x11".


2) Does your dc do the Warm-Up on paper, specifically the mental math?


No, we do the mental math together, orally.


3) Do you make your dc show their work or write out the problem?


My dc divide their notebook paper down the middle. They show their working on the left, and put the answer (with units if appropriate) on the right.


4) Does your dc do facts practice other than the Facts Practice Sheet?


We used to chant the times tables a lot when they were younger, but not so much now. We review them occasionally.

Edited by Hedgehog
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