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World Geography

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I'm looking for something to help my dc memorize countries and capitals. Is there anything that you can recommend?

Flash Cards?



Here are some I'm thinking of, but it's hard to see exactly what I'm getting. I'm not interested in map reading, land forms, bodies of water - mainly just capitals, etc.








TIA. :)

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Don't laugh, but I just downloaded "Stack the Countries Lite" for free on my iphone, and have already learned SO much about countries and capitals! If you have a smartphone, I'd recommend that for a fun way to approach it, though I don't know that I'd use that as my only resource. :001_smile:

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Thank you all. :)


If you have a smartphone

Don't have one ... but thanks anyway.


I've got tons of Geography resources, but almost none that are strictly countries & capitals. However, I did just stumble across these cards that can be used for 5 different games.

These look very good. May order them. :D


Sheppard Software has lots of geography games and there are some that have you match capitals and countries. I keep forgetting to use these with my oldest. He loves maps and geography.

2nd option :). I'm more into flash cards and workbooks than I am into software.

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We loved the computer game, too.


One thing that was remarkably helpful was a world map shower curtain. Just looking at it every day helped a great deal w/retention.


He liked Challenging World Geography as a workbook. You have to use other sources to find the info and he enjoyed surfing the net and using our atlases.


Good luck!

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Don't laugh, but I just downloaded "Stack the Countries Lite" for free on my iphone, and have already learned SO much about countries and capitals! If you have a smartphone, I'd recommend that for a fun way to approach it, though I don't know that I'd use that as my only resource. :001_smile:


Thank you so much for posting that rec! It's great! :001_smile:

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I've got tons of Geography resources, but almost none that are strictly countries & capitals. However, I did just stumble across these cards that can be used for 5 different games.

I ordered them. :D


He liked Challenging World Geography as a workbook. You have to use other sources to find the info and he enjoyed surfing the net and using our atlases.

Since my dc retain stuff very well with workbooks, as opposed to merely me reading to them (as I have been doing for YEARS :glare:), I got this. Liked what I saw from the sample pages and ordered this also. Thank you. :)


Also, got this, since it looked cool. Not sure how much it will help with retention, but it just looks good.

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