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For those of you with lupus or fibromyalgia or even both

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I have both lupus and fibromyalgia. Lately, it seems like I am in a constant brain fog and starting to feel really disconnected to things that normally affect me alot.


What are some natural things that you can recommend to helping this brain fog? I am horrible about taking meds, but I really want this to get better before we start school. TIA

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I'm struggling, too. (lupus) I think part of it is the heat; I'm not sleeping well so the inflammation doesn't abate enough overnight. Or something.


Calcium and magnesium, D3, B complex, sodium ascorbate, and a vegan diet with tons of fruits and vegetables. Lots of water. That's the combination that helps me the most.

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I posted this in a different thread, but omega-3s in the form of fish oil, taken at therapeutic dosage, can trigger unexpected problems. I had blood in my urine for nearly two years, confounding doctors. Finally, I realized the fish oil was the culprit. It is a blood thinner, and blood can end up in the urine.


I have fibromyalgia. Tried the first-line prescription medication for it, but took myself off of it.


I hate, hate, hate the "brain fog". (I also have ADD, so brain fog assaults me from two battle fronts.) I have had insomnia for thirty-six years. (Lack of sleep makes everything worse.) One thing would help a tiny bit, for a few days, or even a few weeks. Then cease to help any longer. Finally, about a month ago, I started taking valerian, and valerian only at night. The diuretic effect is a nuisance, but I feel so much better rested . . . (until it, too, quits being helpful).

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Lupus being auto-immune, have you tried going gluten free? Gluten can trigger auto immune conditions, inflammation, even if you don't have digestive issues. Many of us have found going GF gets rid of aches and pains we didnt even realise we had, and clears brain fog, and just overall makes us feel a lot better. If you haven't tried it, I recommend it.

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Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I will definitely be checking into them. I have been wanting to try taking gluten out of our diet, just have been too lazy about it. I think it might help my dd who also has an auto-immune disease, Hashimoto Thyroiditis, and complains of daily headaches and neck pain.


At this point, I am willing to try anything just to feel functional again.

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