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s/o Nakia's allergy thread...asthma?

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My dd13 is severely allergic to dust mites. She sounds a lot like Nakia's daughter only with dust mites and Johnson grass.


I saw a few posts on asthma. Can allergies cause asthma? My dd13 came to me a few days ago saying she has been having a hard time breathing, especially when she is exercising at karate.


We recently took her to the Dr. for a headache (it finally went away after 6 days) and they listened to her chest but said nothing. I don't know if they were listening to her lungs or her heart.


How does one detect asthma? What do I need to look for?

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Allergies can indeed trigger an asthma attack. They do not cause the asthmatic condition, but allergies can set off the already there, but undetected asthma into an attack.


If she has the breathing issues, I might go in right then & get them to listen to her lungs. It might be good to get them to do a peak flow test, (breathing into a machine to measure airflow)


I've not heard of headaches as associated with asthma though.



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Allergies are the trigger for my daughter's asthma. We definitely try to keep the allergies under control or else we're in for a full blown attack. (On a side note, my daughter also has exercise induced asthma.)


If she's having trouble breathing get it checked.

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