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What small changes have you made as a mom/homeschooler that have paid big dividends?

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Thinking of school as my job, giving it and my kids my undivided attention and time.


Mandatory quiet for all in the afternoon.


Having a meal plan for the week and the freezer full with at least 3-4 months of meats. That way I usually can make some kind of meal without a ton of running around.


Having a 4 day school week.

# 3 & # 4 are slowly being implanted back into our routine and really important! We got thrown off with a baby and I began working strait through nap but honestly I am realizing I need that hour or so in the evening, as do my kids!

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Morning Basket - 1 hour together to cover artists, composers, biographies of notable people, vocabulary, poetry, scripture, memory work, and family read aloud. Not everything every day, but in that one hour I relieve a lot of guilt for not covering those things at all. And, it's a time of good discussion.

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These things seemed small enough to me to consider skipping them, but once I agreed to them, they have been huge here:  instead of insisting school starts at 8, I moved it to 9 for DD (which, in turn, benefited ds, too).  She is a huge lover of sleep and was simply too sleepy at 8.  She is up, refreshed and ready for Algebra 1 at 9 am most every day.  Still amazes me, the difference.


Allowing them to choose the order they proceed through their lessons.  At first I let them decide how to arrange their day, after they'd looked at the lessons planned for the day.  Now, I write out the week with and end-of-the-week goal and I don't care how they proceed, as long as by Friday, it's all finished.  They love having control over their week and seem more eager.  DD, admittedly, handles this better, being older.  Ds hasn't really done a great job at this and needs more guidance, but I still allow him to do it because of how much more motivation it gives him.  I just check in more with him.


Moving all corrections of sloppy, rushed, messy work into their screen time.  They only get an hr a day, but if things are a mess, it is straightened out on THEIR time, not mine.   If it takes them a half hour to fix their work, they only get the remaining half hour for screens.  Some days, the corrections have taken DS the whole extra hour.   You'd be amazed at how much less messy, rushed work they give me to begin with now. LOL 


Case it Binders........3 or 4 inch. Because they're middle schoolers, I hold them responsible for organization and filing.  Behind file subject tabs they file finished work for me to check.  Extra paper in the front ready for tomorrow.  Most curr books fit in there somewhere.  Supplies in webbed portion.  Their little planners must ALWAYS be in there, too.  It's most all of their school in a binder.  Nothing is strewn about,..or it better not be.  There is no mess through the house.  Papers are not lost.  It's ALL in the binder.  If its not, it's a zero.  I give reward tickets through the year for surprise check ups on the binder.  If it's in shape, you get a reward ticket, which says something like, "get a dessert", "sleep late", "stay up late reading", "mom buys you a new book of your choice", etc.  If it's not in shape, you loose some screen time.  Those binders....golden.  It has transformed our homeschooling experience and FREED UP a whole basement!

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