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Help me transition into Chalkdust Pre-Algebra?

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To all who may be of help.

I have a daughter finishing up her 5th grade year and Math u See Zeta. Can anyone tell me if they think it would be to big of a jump to go into Chalkdust pre-Algebra starting 6th grade. If so, what would you suggest we try. I definately want to use Chalkdust pre-algebra, but I don't know if I should start so soon, and If I don't, what I should use to transition.


The reason I would use CD pre-algebra instead of basic math is that I have just purchased a used pre-algebra and don't really want to spend the money for the basic math.


Any suggestions



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Saxon 7/6 to Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. I am not familiar with MUS, so I can't help you specifically. Two options are to contact Professor Mosely and asks his opinion, OR have her take the placement test. You have to pay for it, but I wanted to do it for piece of mind. I can't recall exactly where it is on their site...I think it is kind of hard to fine. I did this and my ds placed into Pre-Algebra. If you really wanted a Basic Math book just to have on hand, you could probaby pick up a used Lial's really cheap.


We have used Chalkdust Pre-Algebra and Chalkdust Algebra I. I do love the program. The Pre-Algebra year was a challenge for my ds, and it definitely was above what he had done in the past. However, it was a "good" stretch, and he rose to the occasion.



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This is going to be a huge jump for you, huge. I would not buy the curriculum before you look at the book. This is the most challenging pre-algebra text that I have ever seen. I've never heard of anyone going from MUS Zeta to CD pre-algebra.

The previous poster mentioned going from Saxon 7/6 to CD, this seems much more of a logical progression. You might want to consider doing the Saxon 7/6 first, which will be excellent preparation for CD pre-algebra.

If you have done MUS all the way through, Saxon's ultra spiral method might be an obstacle.

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If you have already purchased it, why not just have your dd sit down and look at it, maybe give the first couple of lessons a try? Be aware that she may hit a wall, and you'll need to back up and regroup.


If she needs to back up a bit, I would try a BJU or ABeka worktext, or perhaps some of the Key To texts. Those would be reasonably inexpensive and make a good bridge.


It sounds as if your daughter is doing very well in math, and you don't want her to get the idea that the more advanced stuff is "too hard" or that she "just can't do it". Another common pitfall is that the student gets so obssessed with "being ahead" that they are reluctant to admit they really need to regroup before going on.


Hope this helps!



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