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Question about D&C and hysteroscopy

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3 years ago, after 5 weeks of heavy bleeding, I had a diagnosis of simple and complex hyperplasia without atypia. I was on Provera for 1.5 years which affected me terribly so I stopped and went the naturopathic route. All was fine until April when I started on a two month long heavy bleed. I went to an integrative MD who put me on progesterone cream which stopped the bleeding within 2 days. I've since had one pretty normal, though slightly heavy period. In the meantime, an appointment had been made with a gyno and he suggests I have a hysteroscopy and D&C to see what's going on. I'm nervous about any medical procedures and am wondering if this sounds necessary or safe to any of you who are medically versed in such procedures. I'm 51 with tons of stress in my life including a sick husband. Thanks.

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Thanks for the info. I had one ultrasound when I was still bleeding and the lining measured 1.4 cm. A second ultrasound after 5 weeks on the progesterone cream showed a lining of 6mm. I really hate having invasive procedures done if they're not absolutely necessary. Would you get a second opinion or is the hysteroscopy and D&C fairly standard?

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Depending on age if you are over 40 one of the early warning signs of uterine cancer is heavy bleeding with no apparent cause. They can check for fibroids etc as well. I just had a biopsy, D and C and endometrial ablation(only ok if you are done having children). It was a cake walk as the Atavan and gas take you far, far away. My biopsy was clean.

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