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Chemistry for older 2nd grader and a 5th graders


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Both of my boys love science. I would like to combine them for chemistry next year. I have been looking at RS4K Chemistry Level 1. I think it would be perfect for my older son. Has anyone else used this with a tag-along 2nd grader? Any other curriculum recommendations?




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Noeo Chem II would be good for your 5th grader, and maybe your second grader could tag along.


I third that. I just suggested it in another thread. You can get some of the books for chem 1 for the second grader to read. Or let the 2nd grader tag along with big brother while reading the textbook only of RS4K (which by itself is only about ten weeks of material). Pre1 is right fir a 2nd grader.


Good pics on my blog below of the kids doing the NOEO experiments, and loving them-- and yes, they are understanding it, too. My 2nd/3rd grader (7 years old) is doing level 1, my 5th grader age 10 is doing level 2.

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I am not familiar with those choices, but I just finished Elemental Science's Chemistry for the Grammar Stage with my 2nd and 5th grade sons. This was the first time through chemistry for us, so maybe that's why it was good for a 5th-grader, but it covered a lot and was fun. My older son just does a bit more reading, research, and writing. We're going to do Physics for the Grammar Stage next.

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I third that. I just suggested it in another thread. You can get some of the books for chem 1 for the second grader to read. Or let the 2nd grader tag along with big brother while reading the textbook only of RS4K (which by itself is only about ten weeks of material). Pre1 is right fir a 2nd grader.


Good pics on my blog below of the kids doing the NOEO experiments, and loving them-- and yes, they are understanding it, too. My 2nd/3rd grader (7 years old) is doing level 1, my 5th grader age 10 is doing level 2.


Are you finding it difficult to do both levels? Do they mesh pretty well from a weekly standpoint? I don't mind spending the money for both levels, provided they will be basically studying the same overall topics each week.


Thanks to everyone for your replies - greatly appreciated!

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The topics will diverge and reconverge at different points along the way. We often share experiments, but each boy only has to do a lab sheet for his own level's experiments. I actually like that, because they repeat some information this way, and will be able to retain it better, or if they want more explanation of something, we have another whole set of resources for them to explore!


It does take a little more time, but not excessively-- depends on how independent your 5th grader is.

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