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The puppies have sarcoptic mange.

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I was pretty sure what was wrong and I didn't want mangyness in my car, so we swaddled them in cloths and carried them a 25 minute walk to the vet. Mamadog followed us the whole way, which is good because she has it, too. I'm sure she brought it home to them since she wanders who knows where every day.


Mamadog got an insecticide injection, but they said the puppies are too young for any treatment. I think they are 6 weeks old. Can nothing be done? They went from cute puppies to horror movie beasts rather quickly and it's only going to get worse now because the vet can't do anything? :ohmy:


Now hopefully the person who helped me and I don't get it. Mange mites don't like humans, but humans do sometimes get a very itchy, but self limited, infection for 3 or so weeks. We did carry the puppies for over an hour. Now, somehow, we have to care for them without getting the mites ourselves, if we already haven't. :001_huh:


Is there any wisdom y'all can offer?

Edited by Sputterduck
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