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Spelling Wisdom Needed - School Starts Monday


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Ok, I've got three spelling books sitting in front of me. I can't decide what to use for dd9 (4th grade). I've got Soaring with Spelling 3, Spelling Workout D, and All About Spelling 3. We did part of SWO A in first grade, but DD9 was a VERY struggling reader who has taken off and now reads at about 6th grade. We did AAS 1 & 2, but kind of gave up b/c it became hit or miss b/c it was so teacher intensive. We changed to SWS, so I could just give her a worksheet to make sure that it actually got done, but that was at the end of the last school year. Well, this summer I've done a lot of soul searching about this and realize that I wasn't putting the effort into our LA that was needed to reach our end game (We rocked math and history last year). We have totally reswung to the Classical side. So, teacher intensive is no longer an issue. (Gotta do what I've gotta do) But, that doesn't mean that AAS is the right way to go. I know this is getting long ... I think the real problem is that I don't "understand" spelling ... meaning I don't know where we are going ... what is the end game? Anyway, I like the looks of all three programs. I bought SWO again, b/c that's what SWB recommended, and it has vocab (big plus). Having someone to tell me what to do in this instance is not a bad thing! This year what I have written under Language Arts: WWE 2&3, FLL 3, Prima Latina, Daily Paragraph Editing 3&4, A Reason for Handwriting, Sonlight Adv. Readers + more reading (Bible, etc) and some sort of spelling program. There is the possibility of doing both AAS and one of the workbooks (for the "games" and vocab). If you LA people out there have some bits of wisdom to give me, BRING IT ON!


thank you all so much for your kindness and the time you always give



In case you are wondering what "end game" is for us ... it's to totally let our children make their own decision on where (not if :001_smile:) they go to college. But, we want to make sure that all doors are open to them, be they at Harvard or our local community college.

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My vote: Go with SWO. It's a decent series, and your dd will have plenty of opportunities to use her spelling skills in other areas, yes? Just do it. Put the rest away. It will be fine. :001_smile:


Thanks for the advice. It's funny that you said, "Just do it." b/c I read a quote from Elizabeth Elliot in a devotional yesterday that said, "One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was...'Do the next thing.'" It struck a real cord with me. I'm going to put it on our wall. Maybe I will just DO IT!

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It sounds like SWO would be the best option for you. If AAS wasn't getting done because it was too teacher intensive (which I totally get), then it doesn't work for your family. You have plenty of other areas to get very involved in. I am not familiar with SWS. However, I think the most important thing is to find what you want to use and then stick with it for the duration. SWO is a solid program. I would use that this year (regularly) and then assess the progress that has been made. Good luck!

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I just ordered several SWO levels, to see where DD (9) fits. I also like the fact that it is not too teacher intensive, as my daughter doesn't do well with a lot of involvement from me. She prefers to work independently. I can't wait for the books to arrive! I'm so glad DD is finally excited about spelling!

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My vote: Go with SWO. It's a decent series, and your dd will have plenty of opportunities to use her spelling skills in other areas, yes? Just do it. Put the rest away. It will be fine. :001_smile:

:iagree:You have a lot of LA to get through. I am giving up Phonics Road and going with a workbook...

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