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CLE Learn to Read


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I've been reading through the lesson plans for LTR. My DS is going into 1st. I haven't used it so you are welcome to toss my opinion. ;)


A couple things to consider. The pace, scope, and amount of writing is really geared for a 1st grader. I think it would be too much for a kindy to keep up with. To fully utilize the program, you really need to include their LA which probably isn't level appropriate for most K'ers. Or your child will be in 1st for LA and 2nd for reading the following year should you choose to continue on with CLE. It's mostly the pace though.


I think OPGTR (and your combo you are familiar with) is great for a k'er. I used OPTGR, ETC, and mixed in some other things. We will have some review this year with LTR but I want to make sure those early concepts are over-taught anyway. ;) Review isn't a bad thing after a summer break!


Hopefully someone who has experienced LTR for K will be able to give you another opinion.

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I am using it with my first grader who already knows how to read. LTR is designed as a half semesters worth of work then the student goes on to Reading 100. LTR is a good match for him not to hard because he already knew how to read but I really wanted to ensure his foundation was solid. I agree with pp there is quite a bit of writing included. Depending on you K'er it may be a bit much.

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I used it with both of my younger two. My ds did it in 1st at full pace and it often got long, especially when you add in LA 100. It was too many worksheets for him.


DD half of it in K at half pace. That worked fine for her and probably would have been okay for ds if I had done it that way and spread it out from K through however long it took in 1st.


It is a great program, but there are a TON of sight words. My kids both knew OG phonograms already so I taught them to sound out the words instead of using them as sight words.


That said, I had ds go through OPGTR after LTR because he needed a lot more before he would have been ready to move into CLE's 1st grade reader that you go to after completing LTR. When I saw how much easier OPGTR was to use, I dropped the LTR with dd and moved her over as well.


If I ever do it again, CLE LTR will not be my first choice of programs. I think it is good, but there are better, easier things to use.

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Also keep in mind that the LTR program now has a second edition. This edition has less work in it than the former 1st edition. Also their LA is now 2nd edition. Again less writing than the 1st.


Right now my 4yr old is doing level 100 math and from the looks of it , the math has more work in it than the reading program does. I definitely think she can handle the LTR program. It is very age appropriate.


Also if the writing work seems to much , because every child may vary, you can break it up and work through it slowly. Many people do this with their math and reading and are very successful with it.

Some days my daughter is gung ho and will do an entire lesson of math and some days she wants to do a little bit, and that's just what we do. We stop when it becomes to much for her and she still does really well with it.


Considering if he were in a brick and mortar school he would be doing as much if not more writing for K now a days.

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Also keep in mind that the LTR program now has a second edition. This edition has less work in it than the former 1st edition. Also their LA is now 2nd edition. Again less writing than the 1st.


Right now my 4yr old is doing level 100 math and from the looks of it , the math has more work in it than the reading program does. I definitely think she can handle the LTR program. It is very age appropriate.


Also if the writing work seems to much , because every child may vary, you can break it up and work through it slowly. Many people do this with their math and reading and are very successful with it.

Some days my daughter is gung ho and will do an entire lesson of math and some days she wants to do a little bit, and that's just what we do. We stop when it becomes to much for her and she still does really well with it.


Considering if he were in a brick and mortar school he would be doing as much if not more writing for K now a days.


You can also slow it down to match the pace to the child. If using it with a K child, spreading the semester program down so that it takes all year wouldn't be a big deal.

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We used LTR with a 5 yro last year. It's a good, solid program. It has phonics AND sight words in it (just so you now, some people don't want sight words). There is a lot of handwriting exercises, but my daughter really liked it. Oh, and you have to buy the readers and the lightunits.


Like the other mom said, it's meant for the first semester of 1st grade. I Wonder is used for the 2nd semester (we've got that one, too :D).

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You can also slow it down to match the pace to the child. If using it with a K child, spreading the semester program down so that it takes all year wouldn't be a big deal.


Yeah, you could totally take a slower pace with it. My 5 yro had no problem with it (and she's pretty average, schoolwork-wise).

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I'm using it with two children right now - K & 1st.


My 1st grader is already reading pretty well, so we're speeding right along, generally folding two lessons together into one sitting. It is a nice transition into first grade for him. We'll slow down once we hit LU 105 & it is time to add Language Arts.


My K'er is also using it, and we just do a couple pages a day. I don't intend for him to complete the whole program this year. It's perfect for him. He knows his capital letters (Letter Factory), and all the sounds, and the LTR workbooks are perfect for learning to write the letters & cement all his new skills. We also use other early readers that are hanging about.


So far, I like the program well enough that I intend to use it with child #4.

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