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A Parent's Curriculum?

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Has anyone found any good websites outlining a suggested "Course of Study" for a mother trying to prepare herself to teach classically in a few years? Have you developed any charts or checklists for working your way through a course of study? I would love to know what other people are doing to steer themselves through self-study over the span of 4-5 years.


I am interested in working my way through the following:


Bible -- continue to read/study

Latin -- probably Henle

Greek -- probably Elementary Greek by Open Texture

English Grammar -- probably Abeka 7th, then 10th

Literature -- Great Books (keep working through my list) :001_smile:

History -- probably Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

Pre-Algebra -- just to brush up my skills

Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 -- it's OK if these are "integrated"

Science -- Biology for Dummies, Astronomy/Weather for Dummies, Chemistry for Dummies, Physics for Dummies (you get the idea) :001_smile:


I have already read the suggestions by SWB on the WTM website, as well as suggestions by Drew Campbell on the LCC site (pertaining to Latin). But I am wondering if anyone had seen a site with a "Plan," so I don't have to reinvent the wheel here. Thanks!

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You know, you could just do the HS recommendations in WTM. There are resources, book lists and etc. You could go through history starting at the beginning. Work your way through the Literature suggestions, Latin curricula, Logic and etc.


I wish I had the foresight to do what you are doing. I have learned along with my children, but would have been greatly helped by having gone through all of history, including literature once on my own.

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Thanks to everyone who gave helpful suggestions for my "Self-Education Project." My husband just shakes his head whenever I begin to study Latin. :lol:


Any more suggestions from those who have boldly gone where few of us have gone before? I am :bigear:.


SWB -- Thank you so much for the great article at the WTM site. I'm trying to work out a 4-5 year plan to do all of this lovely studying. :D Should I get up at 4 in the morning, like some people we know? ;)


Drew/Plaiddad -- I have memorized your "To Do" list for Latin, and I am just waiting on Henle. Thanks!

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As I understand it, TWEM is a guide for studying various genres of literature -- novels, biographies, histories, drama, and poetry.


Of course, a self-education project would incorporate the study of literature, but not be exclusively limited to it.


My question is broader than literature alone. Has anyone seen a "Plan," out there in cyberspace somewhere, where someone has laid it all out -- how to study all/most of the above-mentioned subjects in broad brush-strokes over the span of about 4-5 years?


If not, I'll just work up my own plan.

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As I understand it, TWEM is a guide for studying various genres of literature -- novels, biographies, histories, drama, and poetry.


Of course, a self-education project would incorporate the study of literature, but not be exclusively limited to it.


My question is broader than literature alone. Has anyone seen a "Plan," out there in cyberspace somewhere, where someone has laid it all out -- how to study all/most of the above-mentioned subjects in broad brush-strokes over the span of about 4-5 years?


If not, I'll just work up my own plan.


I think Angela's suggestion to use WTM hs section as a guide is a good one. This will guide you through all of the major subjects at the hs level, and beyond. TWEM would serve as your focus guide for your literature study.

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