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Spanish Classes Once a Week?

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Hey There,


I'm wondering if anyone takes or gives Spanish classes, once a week. We have a co-op, and I've seen Latin once a week... that works...., But Spanish? What have you seen work?




(PS, If you use a curriculum, or can suggest one... pls do! :))


Edited to add :)Thanks for the books for primary; the ones I'm now concerned about are the olders :)

Edited by NayfiesMama
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We have a local Spanish teacher come to our house once a week for 1.5 hours. It works great. She comes up with her own stuff, and they also use a lot of things around the house, outside, etc. It's only my daughter and another girl, or most recently my daughter and my son (the girl is out of town for the summer, and this is a good opportunity to bring him into it - he just turned 5).

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My son has a once weekly class with a native speaker. They are going to use Barron's Spanish Now! next year and he will also work in another Barron's Spanish grammar workbook. She makes assignments for them to work on during the week, and then, because so far she hasn't assigned enough, in my opinion, I make further assignments at home....

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We have a small jr. high/high school co-op that meets once a week. Spanish is one of the 4 subjects we cover. Our Spanish teacher uses Breaking the Spanish Barrier, as well as Practice Makes Perfect Complete Spanish Grammar for more practice. She breaks up the week's assignments by day so that the kids are doing Spanish 5 days a week, though--they aren't supposed to be cramming it all in the day before class! My oldest has made tremendous progress this year. I was really amazed at how much they covered, and how much he has retained! So I definitely think it can work to only meet once a week!

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