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Warriors, the cat books

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Nah. They're great. Dd started reading them when she was about 7 or 8 and she still needs to buy the new books that come out. Wildly popular here.


They're just like a kitty soap opera; love, hate, death, life, wars, lots of twists and turns...they're actually pretty engrossing. I can't think of anything too sordid or horrible in any of them.

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Let's see if I can remember. It's been a couple of years since I read them. There's quite a bit of communication between ancestral cat spirits and the living cats. They go to the moon rock to receive visions. In later series (3rd or 4th) there begins to be psychic connections between cats in the present and cats in the past. There's lots of tragedy, fights, love, hate, feuds, journeys, and quests.


My dd read the first 3 series, but she decided that the books were getting too weird.

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Depends on how conservative you are. It was a free book at the end of Summer reading program a couple years ago at our local library. Thing 2 read it and liked it, but another mother was quizzing the librarian about it for her young teen and while the librarian assured her there was no MAGIC in it, that it was cats, doing cat things, but they can obviously communicate/talk with each other,etc.... that mom found it objectionable (maybe there was something on the back cover blurb).


Amazon has mostly positive reviews. This site elaborates on the mysticism and other possibly objectionable material. That was the first one that came up when I searched for "warrior cats books & christian" (minus the quotes).

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My older dd has enjoyed them. I agree that if one is very conservative it may be problematic; my dd is pretty grounded in her faith and easily separates fantasy reading from her faith. The books, to her, were purely entertainment. I myself read the Twilight books and felt the same way - just fun reading.

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