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Phonics/spelling for a young 6 yr old who can read?

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I'm in the middle of writing my schedules for the year and I keep coming back to this:


Should I add a simple phonics or spelling workbook for dd who will be 6 next month? She has been tested as reading at a 4th grade level, and she reads to herself and to me all the time, so I think she'll keep progressing. BUT she never completed a phonics program, she is mostly self-taught.


I'm thinking a workbook would be relatively painless, so would you add something in to cover phonics, or add in a phonics based spelling workbook? If so, what? She resists ETC, and she is very visual, so something colorful might engage her interest.


Or would it be just busywork and not useful at this point? She does mispronounce big words because she has guessed and memorized her own pronounciations, something I did as a kid too.

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I am in the same boat. My ds7 basically taught himself to read and reads at a high level as well.


We are doing All About Spelling...his spelling is not that good. It teaches spelling using the phonics rules so he is learning them that way. So far it is working well. I have also thought about the ETC books (I am using them with my youngest) and may add those in next year for 2nd grade.

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Phonics is not just for reading, it's for spelling as well. I'd get a good spelling program using phonics so she can learn the rules about why a word is spelled the way it is, what language it originated in, etc. I am gung-ho for SWR. It's thorough and can be pared down to what you want/need and what you want to toss. I cannot say enough though that phonetic spelling instruction is essential and should not be passed up because of an excellent reader.

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All About Spelling was written in a way that appeals to all the different learning styles. It is very visual and kinesthetic. The lessons are very short (15 minutes) and at this age you wouldn't have to do it everyday. Plus it is phonics based so I think it will enhance the reading skills she has.




HTHs. Blessings!

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I really like the combination of Adventures in Phonics and Spelling Workout. Adventures B goes well with SWO B, and C goes well with C. Winter Promise uses Adventures, just fyi.

My dd found C challenging, but really useful for learning how words are put together. She also reads at a high level. Often, she knows the spelling words just from her reading, but learning why they are spelled that way has helped her gain confidence in her writing (not that I require much of that).

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Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to look into each of those. I hear such good things about AAS- on average, how long does a lesson take?


We spend about 15 minutes, two days for a lesson. I teach the skill the first day and dictate the spelling list to him (he hates pulling down the tiles) oh and review the previous skills. The second day I dictate the extra spelling words that are given as well as dictate the phrases given at the end of the lesson.

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