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IEW: can someone compare this to progymnasmata methods?

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I've only seen some of the IEW tapes and I've only used Classical Writing Aesop and Homer so far. I like that CW not only teaches grammar within the model but also then shows and practices how to use it in their writing assignment. As they learn the different parts of grammar they also learn the rhetoric of when to use it... so it's not just a vague connection. As they progress thru the program logic is also incorporated as well as more rhetoric.


Here are some posts from the CW people:




(see #13 in here where they compare CW to modern writing methods)



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The concept of IEW was put together by a history professor and teacher in Canada who studied the older ways of teaching writing and worked out step-by-step what had to be learned to take students into college-level writing. Andrew Pudwa brought it into the U.S. and turned it into a product now marketed as IEW.


IEW is more prescriptive with the idea that over time the writer works out their own style. I personally found it easier to teach that CC or CW (which I've owned and tried to use). The forms and tools clicked almost immediately with me, and I've found them easy to apply to a wide range of students in my classes.


It is not based on the Progym though, if you prefer that foundation. I would agree that the grammar-writing link is not there, but I teach with IEW through Classical Conversations and we do make the link in their Essentials program.

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Thanks for the replies - I really like the progym idea - just have not had a lot of luck with CW - I think I tried to start too early for my son, and since we really do not need the grammar portion right now it just did not fit. I saw an IEW presentation at our local curriculum fair - and I really liked the way they presented key word outlining. I need to buy another program like I need another hole in my head :) , and plan to work with what I have and follow the progym, but it seemed like there were some good tools and techniques to be learned from IEW.

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I haven't used the whole IEW program . Used an IEW outline from a small homeschool conference I went to . I liked the theory of it all . Just not in our price range right now .

As for the progymnasmata approach we use Writing Tales and this program works wonderfully for our girls . I can't believe how much my daughters' writings have improved. This method though is best suited for children in late 3rd grade and up as to when to start it . Writing Tales is formated closely to CW but is MUCH , MUCH easier to use . You just open the book , read the manual and follow the steps and just go . I saw immediate improvement with my 10 year old in 1 day and am seeing it now with my 8yr old into Story 4 . I decided to go with Writing Tales because I needed something to take me step by step because for some reason teaching writing has been difficult for me . I'm a natural writer so never realized there were steps to it all . I was one of those children that just started writing . My girls are the opposite . I had gotten so frustrated I too was about to cry . Then someone here mentioned this program and we bought it and haven't turned back since . I felt with CW that I needed to study the program to teach the program . With Writing Tales I could open it and teach trusting the author was taking us through the proper steps .


Sorry to sound like an infomercial . Just wanted to share that with you since you say you liked the progymnasmata approach but didn't have much luck with CW .

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I started out with IEW. The kids got a great foundation in sentence variation, paragraph organization,and using good vocabulary. I think that it prepared them very well for CW Homer, which you probably know is not entirely easy.

Once they started Homer, their writing really took off! I believe that their writing would not be as good today if they had stayed with IEW. I also believe that their writing would not be as good today if they had not had IEW before starting CW. So I am a big believer in IEW for the younger graders, CW starting 5th grade and up. ( We obviously need to skip Aesop if we follow this schedule)

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