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Should we buy a microscope for HS Biology?

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What do you think? Dd is taking Biology with TPS, and it's optional, but highly recommended. She enjoys science, but I don't necessarily think she'll go into a science field, if that matters. She is also our oldest of 3.


I guess, bottom line, if you bought one, did you think it worthwhile? If you didn't, why didn't you and do you regret it?

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We bit the bullet and bought a microscope last year for biology. It was a worthwhile investment, not only for my ds who studied biology, but also for the younger kiddos who loved to peek through the scope to see the latest "cool" thing. It's fed my son's fascination with microbiology as well. :)

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Hi Profmom,

I bought a microscope from Sonlight very early in our homeschooling adventure, and I have never regretted it. I love having it around to look at cool stuff with. I have also done bio labs with both my sons and their friends, so ours has certainly had a workout over the years. It is still in great shape - I have never even had to change the light-bulb! The Sonlight scope is well-made and pretty economical. I say go for it if you can afford it. Another scope that we love is the Brock Magiscope - a virtually indestructible field-scope that you can take on nature walks - no electricity needed! You can certainly look at slides with the Brock, but the beauty of it for us is to be able to look at leaves, small critters, pebbles, etc, along with interesting things around your house (newspaper, dust bunnies, all that kind of thing.) Microscopes are terrific!



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I bought one, because I believe a fundamental skill to be learned in a biology lab is the use of a microscope. If it were going to break the bank, though, I think you could get away with videos online of microscope work.


We have finished Biology, but we are keeping it, because it has become a very popular tool at our home. :001_smile:

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We have an exremely tight budget and I decided the purchase of a microscope was important. It's an investment and will be used many times by each child in this family! I'm not sure that any of my kids other than my middle dd will puruse a science related career, but I still think it's an important tool to have. It makes nature, science (and, as Christians, God's creation) so much more real and amazing!

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Hi Profmom,

Another scope that we love is the Brock Magiscope - a virtually indestructible field-scope that you can take on nature walks - no electricity needed! You can certainly look at slides with the Brock, but the beauty of it for us is to be able to look at leaves, small critters, pebbles, etc, along with interesting things around your house (newspaper, dust bunnies, all that kind of thing.) Microscopes are terrific!




This looks like a great microscope! Do you think it could be used instead of the Sonlight one? Does it 'do' everything the other does?

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Check yard sales. I got a videoscope for 10 cents because they didn't think it worked. It just needed batteries. while not a microscope its still pretty awesome. It magnifies onto a built in tv screen I like it because no "its my turn" stuff because they all can see it at once.

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