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Quick, I need some group games!

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I have a group of people coming over tonight....I need some quick games. I went out and got prizes. There's a wide age range...my two kids (4 and 7), teens, young adults, middle aged adults, older adults....I need something that will appeal to all.


I printed out 4th of July picture Bingo. That's always a big hit and appeals to all ages.


Nothing too crazy or active....a lot of these people would not participate. I need something that a group can play and there can be winners so I can hand out prizes.


Any ideas?

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Charades? Pictionary? Both can be tailored to accomodate a wide range of ages. I rarely participate, but I love watching people play both :)


Karaoke/Finish-The-Lyrics/Name-That-Tune type of game? If you're relating it to the 4th, you could do patriotic tunes.


Pin the moustache or hat on Uncle Sam? Should be easy enough to print a picture from the internet and use sticky sided tape LOL.


Name that President or State trivia? State shapes, capitals, geographical landmarks, mottos, etc. grouped into two levels (under 10, over 10) of play.


Homemade horseshoes are always a hit here. Frisbee golf, too.


oh, and Bump. Lots of more creative people here than am I LOL.

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One I used to use back when I was a corporate trainer, and no one objected:


Pair everyone up randomly. If you have a remaining person, make a threesome.


Have every pair talk until they find things they have in common. Write down the list. When time's up, have the pair who found the most things share outloud, and they win the prize.


The list was often something like this:


We both lived in Tennessee.

We both have three kids.

Neither of us has grandkids.

We both wear glasses.

We both go to church.

We both have a dog.

We both drive red cars.

We both like Seinfeld.

We both shop at __.

Neither of us has any broken bones right now.

Neither of us likes sushi....


It's a good ice breaker, and a good way to get to know a new person. If the group gets in the right spirit, it can be a lot of fun.


P.S. I called the game "We Are Alike."

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If you have Apples to Apples Jr., it works well as a good group game, including kids. (I like the Jr one better for groups with kids because it doesn't have all the people they don't know in it, and it still works well for adults.)


I'm definitely going to use some of the above ideas in the future!

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