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Are we the only ones not going to a 4th of July cookout?

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We aren't either. As a matter of fact my two nephews who I have for the summer and my daughter are all reading. Once they finish that they have some other work to do as well. We are going to have some brats on the grill but that's about it. My husband had to go into work.

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DH is hosting a lunch BBQ for the security forces on base who have to work today, so the kids and I just hanging out at home. We've been peopled out this week and look forward to a private BBQ (after DH gets home) and fireworks on base. We'll probably run into folk we know, but that's cool!

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Nope. We went to a lovely BBQ yesterday and watched fireworks in that town. Today, my husband is working until 7, younger ds is out playing with the neighbor's grandsons, and the eldest is chillin' with a friend and the XBOX since he's off today. I'm working on some scrapbooking, then making chicken tacos for dinner. My day starts at 5 a.m. tomorrow, so I'm taking it easy today.

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