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Sinus congestion---Help please!

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I have the worst sinus infection of my life and am so miserable. I dread sleeping because I just hate the feeling of not being able to breathe normally. I'm looking for ideas to help me breathe better at night so I can sleep soundly.


I've tried OTC decongestants, a neti pot, eucalyptus oil, Vicks, steamy washcloth on my face, Breathe Right strips, and even tried to blast it out with insane amounts of wasabi. I can't breathe! What else can I try?

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I"m so sorry! That's miserable! Have you tried Mucinex? Also, Sudafed might work. Do you know that the dosage is 2 pills; read the box. I only use the Sudafed from behind the pharmacy counter. It usually handles the worst congestion. Are you drinking tons of water?


As for sleeping, try inclining. When I have a severe sinus infection I sleep in the recliner.


Have you tried Breathe Right strips?


I hope some of this helps! I hope you feel better soon!



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Neti Pot. We bought one this spring after DH was tired of fighting the sinus thing and it helps so much! My Dr. recommends them! Our's is a cheapish plastic one, that's all the store had. I am considering looking for a glass/pottery one as the plastic one has a seam that is kind of rough in the nose. They come with packets of solution you mix up ...

my only regret is we didn't get one sooner.

You can use it as often as you want during the day.

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My allergist gave me the green light to use Afrin in order to avoid or help clear up sinus congestion. It is physically addictive, meaning if you overuse it your sinuses will become dependent on it. But if you only take it at bedtime you can use it three nights in a row. Then you should stop.


Continue with everything else you are doing. Rest and vitamin c. Sleeping in an elevated position helps, too.


The other option is to get an Rx for antibiotics.


I hope you feel better soon,



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Yep. Afrin. The maroon box no-drip is the only thing that helps when I get to that place. I love my neti pot and use it daily, especially during dusty/pollen-y times but, if I'm that bad off, it only seems to anger my sinuses.


I hope you get cleared out soon. Sinus pressure like that makes the whole day bad.

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The past few years I've battled with sinus infections that just wouldn't clear up. I tried all the same things you tried. One day while in a health food store, looking for more options to deal with the sinus problem, another customer suggested I cut out all dairy from my diet for the next few months. I had tried everything else I could think of so figured why not give it a try. I saw a huge improvement within the first week.


I have no idea if this will help you. Just thought I'd throw it out there as an option because I know how miserable I felt.:ack2:

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I'm just getting over a horrible cold with sinus infection too. What finally worked was talking to the pharmacist and buying a non-presc. decongestant that is BEHIND the counter. Turns out the ones out in the counter don't have a decongestant ingred that you can get if you ask the pharm. (it is a controlled substance now). You don't need an Rx but do have to ask for it and show your ID.


I also use a nasal spray right before using the Neti because it was the only thing that would clear up a path for the neti to do its work. Also used Musinex.


Good luck! sinus probs are awful. :(

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I JUST got over a terrible sinus infection. I had a headache that was as close to a migraine as I could imagine. I did everything that you did along with steamy showers and hot tea. I'm afraid that the Musinex makes me hallucinate, and it gave my dad horrible nightmares when he used it. I use Benadryl, instead. I hate the neti pot, but I have to credit that the most in helping me get over it.


Good luck and take care!



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