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Tell me what you use netflix for

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I LOVE Netflix for schooling! This past year we did MFW Exploring Countries & Cultures, and I was able to find documentaries for almost every country/ecosystem covered. They also have a lot of LeapFrog videos, PBS educational cartoons, and other such things for the younger set. It's a great resource for our house.

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My boys 8 and 5 LOVE LOVE LOVE Liberty's Kids (American History) and Beakman's World (Science)!! Liberty's Kids you can but from Amazon but Beakman you can only get all of it on Netflix. Both shows are so easy to bounce off of to do more. I also love it for the Discovery Channel and History Channel stuff, although some of that is a bit above their heads. I will watch things with DS8 and explain it during or afterwards. I find Netflix a huge help with our schooling!

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We don't homeschool yet, but use Netflix a ton! We only get one DVD out at a time, but we stream a lot through our Wii. My daughter's favorite shows are Mythbusters, Blue's Clues, Sean the Sheep, and Wallace and Gromit, all of which are available for streaming. Most of our favorite tv shows are available for streaming too! We don't have cable or anything, but have plenty to watch if we want to because of Netflix.


We went to my in-law's house and my dd asked to watch Mythbusters, which they had DVRed. It was the first time she's ever had to watch commericals, and she got very concerned and kept telling my MIL to turn Mythbusters back on. Oh the happy life she leads, to not have a clue about commercials. :lol:


Once we start homeschooling, we plan on adding another DVD out at a time to be dedicated for homeschooling use, but in the meantime, it's worth the $10/month just for streaming, IMO.

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We love Netflix here! My kids just finished watching Blue's Clues (although Joe is not my favorite in the later seasons). We don't have TV reception or Cable, so everything we watch is through Netflix. We do a lot of streaming through the xbox. We don't use it much for education, besides a few BBC documentaries or PBS Kids shows. I'll be watching this thread for more ideas, but just wanted to chime in how much I like Netflix!

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We use it for everything! No cable or tv stations so we watch PBS shows, some Disney shows, fun and educational shows, family movie nights, get DVDs by mail....I add shows to the instant que and that's the only ones kids can choose from. I don't let them browse or search bc there are not so great movies with covets I don't want them to see. We all love it!

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:iagree: I totally agree about not letting the kids browse around unsupervised. I've got mine password protected for that reason, but when I'm right there with them, they know which categories are safe (family, children...) and which ones are NOT.


We use it for everything! There's more than we could ever possibly watch that I want to watch on there. I only get 1 disc at a time but do instant streaming, too. Mostly I've been wasting my own time watching Discovery's Shark Week lately. :D

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We LOVE Netflix, dd (5.5) watches Liberty Kids, Dora, Mythbusters, lots of nature documentaries and (what I find amazing) requests NOVA science NOW

Ds (3.5) watches PBS kids shows including Cat in the Hat and Dinosaur Train, Blues Clues, LeapFrog movies and the nature documentaries that dd likes


And then there is so much for Dh and I to enjoy once the kids go to bed. It is well worth the money and if you rent 2 or 3 movies a month right now it really won't be costing you anything because you can put that rental money towards nextflix.

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We use it for everything! No cable or tv stations so we watch PBS shows, some Disney shows, fun and educational shows, family movie nights, get DVDs by mail....I add shows to the instant que and that's the only ones kids can choose from. I don't let them browse or search bc there are not so great movies with covets I don't want them to see. We all love it!


same here. We enjoy Netflix so much we canceled cable! I add shows that I feel are good/beneficial/appropriate/enjoyable to the queue and that's what they can choose from. We get dvds by mail too to round it out. $15 a month for this sure beats $75 a month for cable!

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