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Starting Omnibus in 9th grade?

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We started Omnibus III....because this is what VP says they use for 9th.

I tried to follow their plan ( both primary & secondary books....) ---so, that the credit we give him could be verified by VP if needed.


I really think both Omnibus I & III study very challenging books....the difference is simply the way they are studied. Ominibus I - Logic stage & Omnibus III- Rhetoric. If questioned about the program...I just wanted it to follow the plan set out by VP.


(Although, many people have used Ominbus I,II & III....for high school before the others existed!)

Now we just have a choice!:D


I am sure either way is just fine.


Have fun!

We really have enjoyed using Omnibus!

Edited by cshell
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I started with a 9th and 7th grader at the same time. We are doing the books combined (I/IV, II/V, III, VI) over four years, based on the WTM high school schedule. We don't study every single book in them, but most. We school year-round, so we are able to cover more than one year's material.


(I have no idea what the 7th grader will do for her last two years: she may graduate a year early, or she could do some AP courses in econ or history.)

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I started with a 9th and 7th grader at the same time. We are doing the books combined (I/IV, II/V, III, VI) over four years, based on the WTM high school schedule. We don't study every single book in them, but most. We school year-round, so we are able to cover more than one year's material.


(I have no idea what the 7th grader will do for her last two years: she may graduate a year early, or she could do some AP courses in econ or history.)


If you were starting with a 7th grader, Angela, would you do all 6 books in order rather than the 4 year progression?

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If you were starting with a 7th grader, Angela, would you do all 6 books in order rather than the 4 year progression?


I would wait until 9th and then do them over four years. I think four years is plenty, and I think geography and intensive reading/writing/study skills work in junior high are more important. I really like the WTM schedule, I just wanted to use the material in Omnibus becasue of the way it fit into our faith and worldview.


My 9th grader is in such a better place to study the GB. The only reason my 7th grader is doing them is because I just can't do separate things for them without giving up a lot of other things (one-on-one teaching, not outsourcing, feeding the family well, etc.) She is also scary-smart, more so than her siblings (or dh or I :D,) so she can handle it okay. It's not my first choice for her, though.

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I have a scary smart one too, it can be hard to know what to expect or how much to challenge her. She'll be in 8th grade when her brother is in 9th, but I think she could handle Omnibus earlier than that. But I don't want to split them up, it's too convenient to have them in the same grade/level. I like the 4 year high school progression for Great Books, I just don't want to skip too many books! (My poor children)


I like the idea of doing some of the easier, secondary books earlier, I think I've seen a few people here mention doing that. Narnia, for example.


Thanks for your input. :)

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Thank you all so much!


I am planning on using Omnibus as a teacher's resource while the kids stick to the reading texts. I have one interested in Div I sports, and last I checked Omnibus wasn't approved by the NCAA, but I can write the syllabus using the primary/ secondary texts only (with no mention of Omnibus) and be good. I think I am going to try:


9th grade: I/II (modified- primary texts only)

10th grade: III/IV (modified- primary texts only)

11th grade: V (less modified :D with some secondary texts)

12th grade VI (less modified with some secondary texts)


This will cover currently rising 9th grader and NCAA-interested dd will be done with the series by the end of her jr. year and we can work on an interest-based, customized history/ lit course (maybe French history and lit since she fences and is interested in ballet, also).


Still lots to consider, but at least now I feel like I have a basic path. Thanks again!

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I am venturing into my first year of classical education for my 9th grade son. Based on what I've read in Susan Wise Bauer's book, I decided to start with the beginning.....Omnibus I Ancients. (My son loves ancient history, so this is right up his alley, and he hasn't studied the ancients since 6th grade.) She also recommends taking Biology at the same time and also Algebra, I believe. However, Ms. Bauer does offer many other alternatives to the order of this study. After borrowing The Well-Trained MInd from the library, I decided to purchase the book as I knew I would be referring to it often!


Veritas recommends Omnibus I for 7th through 12th grade, although they offer a section for those students in 10th to 12th grade.

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I spoke with VP yesterday about my son starting Omnibus III. He did 2 yrs. of Ancients and we just finished the Middle Ages. He'll scream if we don't move forward. We are preparing for a possible entrance into their higher level diploma programs. The consultant I spoke with said it was fine to start with III. I - III are written for the logic stage (or they are classified as such now). I forgot where I read that but the consultant and I did discuss that particular aspect.


The person I spoke with also had a 7th grade son who will start in the transitions class instead of Omnibus. She felt he needed a better overview of history and to work up to the load level of Omnibus.

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