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4 vomiting kids + 1 out of town husband = 1 tired mom

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My 4 ds are all sick today, and I have done laundry literally non-stop today, run from room to room to check, soothe, clean up, etc.


So I'm here for 5 minutes of sanity, trying to make a list of things on the bright side. Want to help?


Here's what I have so far:


*I only have 4 kids, instead of 8 - or 17 - who are all sick at the same time.

*It's warm enough today that I can open all the windows and get a little fresh air moving through.

*It seems to be only a 24 hour thing.

*As twisted as it sounds, they all got sick at the same time, rather than spreading it out over a 2+ week period.

*I have been able to watch movies I haven't seen in years, like "Cheaper By the Dozen," that I got for free from my lovely library.

*One week from right now (hopefully!), this will all be one of those story-topping memories like, "oh yeah, once all four of my kids were sick at the same time!"


Add as you wish, and wish me luck tonight (DH comes home tomorrow so the cavelry is on it's way!)



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My 4 ds are all sick today, and I have done laundry literally non-stop today, run from room to room to check, soothe, clean up, etc.


So I'm here for 5 minutes of sanity, trying to make a list of things on the bright side. Want to help?


Here's what I have so far:


*I only have 4 kids, instead of 8 - or 17 - who are all sick at the same time.

*It's warm enough today that I can open all the windows and get a little fresh air moving through.

*It seems to be only a 24 hour thing.

*As twisted as it sounds, they all got sick at the same time, rather than spreading it out over a 2+ week period.

*I have been able to watch movies I haven't seen in years, like "Cheaper By the Dozen," that I got for free from my lovely library.

*One week from right now (hopefully!), this will all be one of those story-topping memories like, "oh yeah, once all four of my kids were sick at the same time!"


Add as you wish, and wish me luck tonight (DH comes home tomorrow so the cavelry is on it's way!)




Good for you! You have to see the positive in these kinda things. For Mother's Day, I was hurling and coughing and sicker than I have ever been. It was the sweetest Mother's Day yet as I watched my dc and dh wait on me hand and foot. What a blessing! You can read about it here. Scroll down to Barfapoloosa. :D


I hope your evening goes smoothly. :grouphug:

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My 4 ds are all sick today, and I have done laundry literally non-stop today, run from room to room to check, soothe, clean up, etc.


So I'm here for 5 minutes of sanity, trying to make a list of things on the bright side. Want to help?


Here's what I have so far:


*I only have 4 kids, instead of 8 - or 17 - who are all sick at the same time.

*It's warm enough today that I can open all the windows and get a little fresh air moving through.

*It seems to be only a 24 hour thing.

*As twisted as it sounds, they all got sick at the same time, rather than spreading it out over a 2+ week period.

*I have been able to watch movies I haven't seen in years, like "Cheaper By the Dozen," that I got for free from my lovely library.

*One week from right now (hopefully!), this will all be one of those story-topping memories like, "oh yeah, once all four of my kids were sick at the same time!"


Add as you wish, and wish me luck tonight (DH comes home tomorrow so the cavelry is on it's way!)




Oh you are so right. Having them all sick at the same time is much, much better. I usually operate on adrenaline for the first couple of days. Keep up the good work- you've earned a new badge on your imaginary mom-sash!


I'm glad your dh will be home soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself.



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Oh my goodness. I have been EXACTLY in your shoes before (just last year) and I will pray for you. I know exactly what you are going through. All four of mine woke up vomiting at the same exact time (literally within minutes of each other)... and umm... none of them were any good at making it to the bathroom or bucket more than half the time! hugs.gif

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none of them were any good at making it to the bathroom or bucket more than half the time!


Yeah - that's us. My oldest is 10, and my youngest is 5. The amount that gets where it needs to be goes down exponentially as the child gets younger!

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