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Best book that's helped you with your ADHD child

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I second Hallowell's book. He has adhd himself, so he's not only writing as a doctor but also from first hand experience.


And I know you didn't ask, but if it's your older ds who has adhd, I gave my son The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD several years ago, and he found it helpful. He didn't want to talk with me or dh about his adhd, but after he read the book he initiated some conversation about it.

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Thank you, everyone! I appreciate the recommendation, especially since a few of you all suggest the same book.


And I know you didn't ask, but if it's your older ds who has adhd, I gave my son The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD several years ago, and he found it helpful. He didn't want to talk with me or dh about his adhd, but after he read the book he initiated some conversation about it.


Thank you, floridamom, for this recommendation. It is my oldest ds, and he's having difficulty talking to us about it because he's embarassed and struggles with sharing his feelings in general. I'm grateful for anything that will help him know that we want to help him while allowing him to better help himself.

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I like the ADHD Parenting Handbook by Colleen Alexander-Roberts.


There is a chapter in the book called, "Problems That Drive You Crazy." It has been so helpful! This chapter, in particular, has quite a number of workable solutions for everyday situations.

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Do any of the above mentioned books help with improving social skills for children with ADHD -- like how to interact with people, how to meet new people, what to do in new social situations, what to do when situations aren't predictable, etc?

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