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OT: New ear piercing in 8yo dd...allergic?? Help!

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My 8yo dd just got her ears pierced Friday afternoon. This morning the skin on her face/jawline right by her earlobes looks slightly pink and there are little pimply bumps (maybe 8-10). The entire affected area is about the size of a nickel.


My concern is that she is having an allergic reaction...to the cleaning solution? (We got her ears pierced at Claire's in the mall). Or to the metal/foreign object in her ears? Or??


Since she's not supposed to take the earrings out for six weeks (lest the holes close up) I don't want to go there just yet. I'm wondering if what I'm seeing today is an indication of worse things to come and possibly that she will be unable to wear earrings... Or if maybe there is something we can try (i.e. an anti-itch/steroid cream) until her body adjusts...or something.


This is a kid who doesn't have any allergies per se but has been known to have skin reactions to things such as Pull-ups. She was prone to yeast diaper rashes until she was potty trained. And mosquitoes love her and she reacts to those bites.


Anyone BTDT who can offer experience or advice? I have my ears pierced with no problems as does my 11yo dd (who got hers done a year ago). So I don't know what to do. I've put a call in to our pediatrician's office but since it is Monday morning all I got was the voice mail and it will be hours before I get a call back.



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Use Sea Salt (not regular iodized salt) and add about one teaspoon to 16 ounces of water. Soak her ears in the solution for 5 minutes twice daily. This will help to kill bacteria and will help the holes dry up also. This is what a lot of professional piercers have a client use.


We found it easiest to do with dd sitting on the kitchen counter and using small measuring cups to hold up to her ears. We put a hand towel on her shoulders for drips.

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Both of my dds had to wear only 22kt gold for about the first year. That's right, 22. Everything else, including 14kt, irritated their ears.


I've never seen 22kt in regular jewelery stores--as far as I know it's only sold in Indian/Pakistani stores, and possibly Arab ones. (Dh is Pakistani, so I knew where to find this stuff in Houston where I live.)


It's just something to keep in mind if her ears continue to be irritated by the 14kt.


Hope she feels better soon!

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If I'm remembering correctly, you can choose to pierce with different types of earrings. Did you go with the 14k? If not, I would suggest taking the ones you bought out and replacing them with 14k (22k if you can find them as suggested above). It will be okay to take them out and replace them immediately. Many a girl's earring gets knocked out before that 6 weeks is up.


If she has been overly sensitive to things in the past, you may just have trouble. I have one super sensitive dd who simply cannot wear earrings. It doesn't matter what they are made from, she reacts with a rash and an infection.

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Both of my dds had to wear only 22kt gold for about the first year. That's right, 22. Everything else, including 14kt, irritated their ears.


I've never seen 22kt in regular jewelery stores--as far as I know it's only sold in Indian/Pakistani stores, and possibly Arab ones. (Dh is Pakistani, so I knew where to find this stuff in Houston where I live.)


It's just something to keep in mind if her ears continue to be irritated by the 14kt.


Hope she feels better soon!


I have issues also with 14k gold or any immitation earrings. My ears become really red and hurt after about 20 mins of wearing earrings. I have never heard of 22k gold earings and sounds like a good thing to try. I would think she is more allergic to the metal in the earrings than the cleaning solution. ( but salt water is worth a try too)


I am not sure what advice I can offer except, try different things but give each time to work. You might have to let the hole close and try piercing again when she is a little older.


I hope she feels better!

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Since she's not supposed to take the earrings out for six weeks (lest the holes close up) I don't want to go there just yet. I'm wondering if what I'm seeing today is an indication of worse things to come and possibly that she will be unable to wear earrings... Or if maybe there is something we can try (i.e. an anti-itch/steroid cream) until her body adjusts...or something.


Have you tried Benadryl?


Does she have pain in her ear or is it just red?

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I got my ears pierced when I was 13 years old. I broke out with a rash all over my ears, neck and face.

My ears got so puffy and hard :bigear: that I had to take out the earrings.


I was allergic to the cheap medal in the earrings.


So we just pushed the earrings into my holes each day just to reopen them.

I was over the rash in about a week after taking the earrings out.

After the first six week were up I was fine as long as I wore gold.

I still can only wear gold or I get a rash.

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