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Which program do you use for 7th grade math?

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My dd did TT Pre-Alg this year, and loved it and did well. But she did not feel ready to move on to Algebra 1 (I think she has the ability, but I think building a stronger base is great too! Besides, she was in 5th this year, so doesn't need to do Algebra yet). So she is doing some supplementing with Singapore 5B (and maybe others when this one is finished), and we will do R&S next year (a mixture of 7th & 8th as needed). If at some point during next year she feels more confident, we will start the Algebra 1. If not, we'll start it at the beginning of the NEXT year.

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My daughter will be going into 6/7. She is tecnically 6th, but works ahead of grade level. She just finished Saxon 76. I seriously looked at TT, but I have decided to go with Video Text. I looked at both at a conference and I really liked the way Video Text explained things. I will take 3 years to do VT, which is really designed for two years. When this is done she will have done Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Algebra II. Since I am taking 3 years I have decided to combine with Life of Fred to put a little fun into math and to show how math is used in everyday life. These books are rather cheap and since VT is rather expensive I saw it as a good fit. I only bought the first half of VT and will by the second half next year. I guess it really isn't any more expensive than buying 3 years of TT.

Janis in DE

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My dd will finish Singapore PM 6 for 6th grade. The next step in that sequence is right into algebra, which I don't think she'll want to do for 7th grade. I recently bought the Russian 6 math and the Japanese 7/8/9 books. So far, the Russian book looks like just the ticket. I would agree with the other poster who suggested Life of Fred, except my dd has seen the LOF books her brother uses and is not interested in the least. She is such a delicate flower LOL, and the LOF books are more boy-oriented IMO. But yours might love them :)



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We used MUS through Zeta, and then Lial's BCM as a pre-algebra text. It has gone well, and DD will finish BCM this summer. We've liked it so much, I decided to go with Lial's Algebra 1 for dd next fall. (She'll be starting 8th grade)


Best wishes in whatever you choose :)



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