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Latina Christiana or First Form? Online or Not?


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My boys completed LC1 last year and MP website recommends going on to First Form Latin next. They will be 5th and 7th grade this year. Has anyone taken this route or taken First Form? They watched the LC DVD's and took the online class and really enjoyed both and did well. I would like to not sign up for the online class this year because of the cost. I am concerned about that because they did so well though and would not like to stop their progress in a class they are doing well without lots of :smash:. Have you done First Form well without the online class? Appreciate any advice.

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First Form was a success here for dd (age 10 turning 11) when she did this last year. I bought the dvds and she preferred not to use them because it made the lesson take longer and she felt she didn't need it. The key for us was that the daily practice is built into the program. I didn't have to remember to review certain things. There's a worksheet page for each day--so helpful! I would not spend the money on an online class for FF.



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I am personally using First Form right now and it is a great program. For me, I love the DVDs! I definitely don't think you need an online class for this, especially with the DVDs. This is my favorite Latin program by far - it feels like FINALLY the gaps from my two years of high school Latin (with a program that was weak on grammar) are being filled in. I finally am starting to really, truly understand the Latin grammar. First Form is my friend. :)

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My DS10 is currently going through First Form Latin at the rate of 1 lesson per day. He watches the DVD and does all the workbook pages for that lesson.


That means he'd be done in 32 school days, an online class would be way too slow. (He is also doing Visual Latin as well).


I know it sounds like a lot of Latin, but that is our focus for our "summer school" right now and he is really enjoying it. :)

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We've did PL, LC1, FF, and are on SF. We did fine with FF (the books only). I don't even use the DVD. We just do a lesson from the book every week. We spend about 30 minutes a day reviewing vocab, declensions, conjugations, and the workbook lesson.


Second Form picks up the pace quite a bit, so just make sure you dedicate the time to review a lot during FF. I have to do the lessons right along with my son in order to keep my brain plugged in to the material. It's a great curriculum though.

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First Form was a success here for dd (age 10 turning 11) when she did this last year. I bought the dvds and she preferred not to use them because it made the lesson take longer and she felt she didn't need it. The key for us was that the daily practice is built into the program. I didn't have to remember to review certain things. There's a worksheet page for each day--so helpful! I would not spend the money on an online class for FF.





:iagree: We had success without the DVD's. Mine were 7th and 6th grade.

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