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Need help:What to feed sick kids?

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The two olders have a stomach bug :ack2: In between the bouts of throwing up they are STARVING but after they eat it comes back up again.


DD has SPD and food issues so it's impossible to come up with things she will eat on a regular day let alone when sick :glare:


DS will eat just about anything.


Any ideas?


Oh and gross mummy brag: DD has been able to make the bathroom 99% of the time for a while now without missing but 3yo is finally able to "make the bucket" with accuracy :hurray:


Now I'm just waiting for the baby to catch it and then the cleaning and washing will really start :001_unsure:

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Granola bars and apples don't burn coming back up... Three pregnancies with Hyperemesis have taught me this well.


Thanks. I was looking for something a little heavier - and DD will eat both of these.


I forgot about jello since we don't usually eat it - will give it a try

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We have them sip weak tea or ginger ale very slowly for an hour or so, and if they can keep that down, we give saltines. After 30 minutes, we'll gradually start them on the BRAT diet already mentioned. But just a little at a time at first until we make sure they can keep it down. We'll also add in the other things mentioned over time, such as jello, chicken noodle soup, eggs, etc.


Time is what is most needed in order to let the stomach settle down so that it can hold food. Sipping liquids and keeping those down (if done pretty consistently) should help prevent dehydration until the stomach has rested and calmed down enough to begin to hold some food again. Just take is slow and easy....

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