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Apologia General Science planning question

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But, you really have to be flexible with this program, especially if you want to do the labs when they occur in the reading (which we do).


The labs take up more time than the reading (in general) - Or, at least definitely more of *my* time. Usually the lab will take up the normal "science" time - about 30-40 minutes or so/day; and then, if we choose to write it up, that will add extra time.


But, even the reading assignments aren't "equal". Some days there is alot, with alot to take notes on; and some days it's just light reading with no notes really needed.


The first module is the hardest. I would definitely plan to spend 3 weeks; and help dc drill all the scientists & achievements so that (s)he doesn't bomb the first test. (Or, you could just have them put the scientist/achievements in their timeline and then write a report about their favorite one rather than take the test - think I might do that with ds#2.)


The Donna Young site is GREAT and has bookmarks with vocabulary and assignments. (And hints on when to pre-prepare your lab stuff.)




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has great notebook resources. For module 1 of General Science there is notebook pages for the scientists. Other pages we've found useful are the OYO's & Study Guide questions that someone typed up. It's a great resource. The schedules on Donna Young's website are the best I've seen (& free) My dd likes the bookmark schedules.



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A lot of time depends on your child. (I have a VERY S-L-O-W reader, but he retains nearly everything so it's a trade off.)


For labs, I have to plan for more time in our day. This is simply because if it's a "cool lab" it gets done a number of different times for younger siblings. (Can't complain about that as the student then becomes "the teacher" and really solidifies his knowledge.)


I have schedules on my blog for "all" (all that we've currently done) Apologia sciences. . .I'm not saying they're better than Donna Youngs'. Different, and based on different states' requirements (being military, your schedules tend to reflect the requirements of many states). I'm just letting you know you do have choices other than DY.

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Thank you everyone for your help!! I appreciate your links to Donnna Young, to the Apologia yahoo group files, and to your blog, Christine. I am definitely going to look at each one. Also, thanks for the time estimates for reading and labs. Now, I have a much better idea of how GS will fit into our schedule.


Thanks!!! :001_smile:

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Will your schedule work with the 2nd edition?



I honestly don't know. (I do know that GS and Physical Sci. scheds. were for the 1st editions, as we did them before 2nd editions were printed. Biology on are the newest editions.)


I'm afraid I haven't picked up the 2nd edtions of GS or Physical for fear of being wooed by their pretty pictures, and the new text book smell, etc. ;) So, I don't even have the vaguest idea of any of the differences.


BUT, if someone were to give me a copy of the 2nd edition I know I would do a schedule for it!


I was kind of hoping my hsing neighbor (and great friend) would do this, but her kids are "sandwiched" between mine and thus she is perfectly content to use my books and schedules regardless of their "old" editions. *sigh*

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