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I have no words...but you have to see this!

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This film was made by a 15 year old girl. It is the hottest thing on the internet and on Fox News today. Lizzie Palmer who put this YouTube program together, is 15 years old. There have been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning. In case you missed it, here it is. I have no words...this hits too close to home for me and brought tears to my eyes! They need our prayers!


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I've seen this before, but it is a wonderful reminder. :)


This weekend we went to see Green Lantern with some friends.


There is a bit in the movie where the big monster thing is set to destroy the world, Green Lantern is talking to his girl before the fight. She says things like "what if you get killed?"


I told my friend, you can tell she's not an Army wife. We already believe our husbands are super-heroes. We would have said "oh my gosh, go kill that thing already! Why are you still standing here!?!?!"

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I've seen this before, but it is a wonderful reminder. :)


This weekend we went to see Green Lantern with some friends.


There is a bit in the movie where the big monster thing is set to destroy the world, Green Lantern is talking to his girl before the fight. She says things like "what if you get killed?"


I told my friend, you can tell she's not an Army wife. We already believe our husbands are super-heroes. We would have said "oh my gosh, go kill that thing already! Why are you still standing here!?!?!"

:iagree: Or Marine, or Navy!

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What a well-done tribute and reminder. I wonder why it's coming up in the news today, since the video was first posted over four years ago...?


Oh wow, I didn't realize that it had been out for that long! A friend just emailed it to me this morning so this was the first time I had seen it. It really touched my heart. I can remember several times when I was young not knowing where my dad had gone or when her was coming home (he was in the airforce and occasionally they would send him off and we wouldn't know where or for how long). One time we spent 3 full days at the airport because he wasn't on any of the planes they told us he'd be on. He finally flew in just as we were ready to sell the house and go looking for him! This also came at an emotional time for me since my nephew is shipping out on Thursday (his first tour). May God keep our men & women safe!

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