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Who has read Gospel-Powered Parenting?

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I just finished this book a few weeks ago. They are reading and discussing it in the small groups at my son's church (Soveriegn Grace, if it matters). I have read a lot of parenting books over the years (my oldest is 29) and it's one of the better ones, imo.

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I found some things in it I liked, but a lot I didn't. The thing I disagreed with the most was his attitude that if you didn't do things his way it was less Christian or Biblical. I strongly disagreed with his stance on spanking, for example. However, I would have been ok with a chapter on spanking that allowed for the possibility that someone could be a Christian and not spank. I also remember thinking that his view of the gender roles were too strict. It's been awhile since I read it but I remember feeling that I wished it was much less legalistic and more open to grace. There were some interesting nuggets in there but the overall tone made it hard to find them.

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I'd be very, very hesitant about any book that insists that Christian parents must spank their children and are irresponsible/negligent in their duties if they don't. I've found that this rules out many (although certainly not all) Christian parenting books.

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It is in a stack of books to read. One of our pastors read it and recommended it. (He has 5 grown children.) From what I saw it looked good. But, as I say, I haven't read it yet and I'm not sure what the book's stance is on spanking. I'm not anti-spanking but I don't like it as a first choice either. I thought the author's approach was getting through to a child's heart rather than focusing solely on behavior and presenting the Gospel to your dc. We also attend a Sovereign Grace church so I'm sure that colors my perspective on parenting. :)

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