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A devotion that includes a lot of writing or questions?

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I like to write. I like to read a devotion, then write out answers to questions....or take a verse and "decode" it piece by piece. Are there any daily devotionals that are like this? I like life application type devotionals, where I can read the Bible, read the devotion, answer the questions, and it applies it to daily life.


Is there anything out there like this?

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Have you looked into the Inductive Study Bible? It's not a devotional, but it does have you do what you are talking about. The inductive method of Bible study teaches you to take verses apart piece-by-piece, find the meanings of words, the context of the scripture, and then over time learning to follow God's leading to apply the scriptures to your life. I highly recommend it. If you don't know anything about it, check it out by visiting Kay Arthur's website- http://www.precept.org/site/PageServer?pagename=101_discover


I can't recommend it enough- it really opens up the scriptures for you. It teaches you to interpret scripture with scripture instead of going to other books or devotionals. It has really helped me to understand the scriptures a whole lot better.

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I highly recommend Precept Ministries International Bible studies. They have several different ones, ranging from no homework studies, 15 min a day studies and 1 hour a day studies. They break down Scripture by verse and very often by word. If you go with a shorter time commitment, then they will have provided some word study for you, but this is not going to be as in depth as the others. The largest time commitment is Precept Upon Precept studies, which take about 45 - 60 minutes a day.


It sounds like you would like something like one of these:

The New Inductive Study Series


The Lord Series


Of the two, I would consider The Lord Series books to be more devotional in nature.


When you're ready to dive in, find a Precept Upon Precept group to join. This is the most in-depth Bible study I have ever seen. I've been taking classes and/or teaching for over 15 years now. I highly recommend them.


The site has sample chapters of each study to look at so you can get a feel for it.


Let me know if you have any questions.

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I highly recommend Precept Ministries International Bible studies. They have several different ones, ranging from no homework studies, 15 min a day studies and 1 hour a day studies. They break down Scripture by verse and very often by word. If you go with a shorter time commitment, then they will have provided some word study for you, but this is not going to be as in depth as the others. The largest time commitment is Precept Upon Precept studies, which take about 45 - 60 minutes a day.


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Have you seen Search the Scriptures by Alan Stibbs? It is a 3 year devotional that goes through the whole Bible. I cut and pasted the product description from Amazon below. You can also check out The Quiet Time Companion by Ro Willoughby. If you are looking for indepth Bible Studies I agree with the others about the ones from Precept. The books I mention serve a different purpose.




Description from Amazon:

The study of God's Word is essential to spiritual growth. Still, a daily encounter with the Bible can be difficult to sustain. Search the Scriptures can support you in your discipline of daily Bible study. Using a question-and-answer approach, it helps you discover God's truth for yourself. Its built-in flexibility and clear presentation allow you to use its contents according to your own needs.


  • section-by-section coverage of the entire Bible
  • concise introductions to each book of the Bible as you meet it
  • meaning and application for each daily passage

Search the Scriptures has been used and appreciated by many thousands of readers for over half a century. This new edition, based on the New International Version of the Bible, has been completely reset in a fresh, accessible format. With its daily support, your own search of the Scriptures can become a delight and a source of strength.



I like to write. I like to read a devotion, then write out answers to questions....or take a verse and "decode" it piece by piece. Are there any daily devotionals that are like this? I like life application type devotionals, where I can read the Bible, read the devotion, answer the questions, and it applies it to daily life.


Is there anything out there like this?

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