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DS LOVES my iPad - anyone else here using it with their SN child?

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The younger ones (I think) managed to delete all the apps I had added, one by one. All they had to do was press on it in a certain way, and then click ok. No one will admit to who did it :glare:. I think most of them are on my PC, but the only one I paid for, Set, was not, so I'm pretty irritated about it. I guess I learned my lesson about downloading right to the Ipad instead of to my PC first.


I'm sure there has to be some wonderful uses for SN kids. One app we had was for writing letters with one's fingers - I thought it might be great for the pre-writing stage.

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I think you can, through Itunes. But I've never actually done it. My brother gave me some free apps and I believed he saved them on my PC somewhere before moving them to the Ipad, though I haven't bothered to look for them yet.


ETA: can't find the apps my brother gave me on my PC, and of course I can't remember the names. I bet he only put them on the Ipad. :glare:

Edited by wapiti
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Be sure you get an Otterbox case! It's the only way my iPad has survived my ds. I can't say enough good things about it's durability and toughness. He dropped it from about 5ft high, and it was just fine. He's fallen with it and banged it around, and the screen protector means I don't have to worry about food or anything sticky on his hands. It wipes right up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - just wanted to mention quickly that you can now easily re-install apps that you've previously downloaded, for no extra charge. Just tap the App Store icon on the iPad, search for the app that you want to re-install, and when you view the details for the app, instead of listing a price it should just say "install". You can tap on that to get the app re-installed on your iPad. (If it does list a price, then this may be a different version from the one you had previously installed. If you tap on it, it will charge you for the download.)


This does require you to know which apps you want to reinstall. With the new version of iOS that will be out in the Fall, you will also be able to easily see a history of all apps that you've purchased but that aren't currently installed. Until that is available, I hope that the above process helps!

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Just pointing out that Ipads are the rage with special needs kids in the schools here in Oregon...."everyone is doing it"....likely because there are some great apps.....I'm miffed that they are giving an Ipad to a patient of mine, but stopping her speech therapy for the summer - so she'll be entertained but still unintelligible....but in general I think its a great thing. DS #1 has a touch....he uses it for audiobooks and is playing around some with Dragon dictation - not sure if it will really help much... but I have a friend who's sn child is very visual - and the Ipad really helps him....


I keep losing stuff when I try to sync - DS #1 won't let me have his touch anymore as I kept erasing his Paganini concertos and accidently loading his brothers Veggie Tails and sisters American Girl books instead....afraid what I'd do with real apps!!!



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